December 20th, 2009

[info]ladyavery in [info]find_the_ooc


SO this is just to let ya'll know:

I am going to Spain on Monday to spend Christmas with my family, and while I will probably be able to check my e-mail and such, I don't think I will be available for scening/commenting/whatever. I will, at some point, post Christmas presents and such, but consider me mostly hiatused.

This is also a warning, for those of you who didn't catch my CDJ post on the subject, that I have to return to the US for knee surgery at the beginning of next month, so the next few weeks will be a bit hectic for me as I get all my "affairs in order" and such. So I will be around, I might just be a bit frantic.

I love you all, and if I don't catch you have a good Christmas and or Festivus and or whatever!

[info]sparethenheir in [info]find_the_ooc


I'm not ignoring your comments and journal entries, but Regulus sure is. Sorry guys. He's a little on edge at the moment.

For those in the know - Regulus has arranged a private funeral tomorrow morning, closed to all but family (extended and otherwise). He's keeping it quiet because he's hoping to avoid additional Prophet attention. If you're family, he's definitely gotten into contact with you regarding the funeral. Visitation is tonight, and it's equally closed. FYI, he's been working to handle all this by himself, as Mum is... not operating at full blast at the moment.

Thaaaanks guys!
