December 8th, 2009

[info]dashcunning in [info]find_the_ooc

Hey now, what's in this here can of worms?

Heading to bed at long last (and I hope this is alright!) but just wanted to give people a heads up on some Currently Unfolding Events their characters may or may not be privy to:

In a log that will be posted shortly, Gawain and Rufus joined forces to execute a search warrant on the home of one Mr Cygnus Black (for the purposes of locating suspected Dark Objects). Unfortunately Mr Black was... not terribly enthused about this whole venture.

Net result is thuswise: Gawain triggered a Most Unfortunate Ward that presently has him rattled with spell damage at St Mungo's, Rufus was nearly AK'd (and hurt his leg!), and poor Cygnus ended up hoisted with his own petard when he was accidentally killed during their attempts to subdue him. If nothing else, let us all take away from this a lesson regarding engaging in duels around very sharp, very precarious wall-mounted weapons. :|

Anyway! Just wanted to make a note of that here in case anyone with an effected character misses the scene. It probably won't hit the news for awhile, but healers/family/DMLE workers, etc. might hear of it before. :) Thanks!