December 1st, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

check-in time!

That's right, my little lambs, it's that time again! The first of the month always brings check-in time!

First order of business: the December calendar went up last night. Check it out, it's going to be a busy month!

Second order of business: the business of checking in!

Make sure you have a valid post in your characters' journals. A valid post is: (1) dated NOVEMBER 17th or later and (2) at least 5 sentences long.

Everyone, even the newest characters, needs to check in, except those on an official hiatus that has been requested before this post went up.

Once you're sure all your characters have valid posts, comment to this post with:
- Your name
- Your characters' names
- Links to their most recent valid post
- What they want most for Christmas this year: tangible physical objects only. "World peace" won't cut it, beauty-queen-wannabe. "My significant other's head on a silver platter" is acceptable.
- If you want to drop any characters, list their names separately, but still in the same comment. They don't need a link or a Christmas note, unless you really want to write one anyway.

You have until the evening (Texas-time, GMT-5) of DECEMBER 7 to comment to this post.

[info]fidgeter in [info]find_the_ooc


Oook, I'm going to have to go ahead and claim a hiatus for the next week-week and a half. I've got a bunch of stuff to get together for work and, as I would like them to pay me more I should probably devote my time to it instead of RPs :) My attention will be elsewhere but if you need me I'll still be around so just pounce me.