November 29th, 2009

[info]whichwayout in [info]find_the_ooc

Another introduction!

WHAT HO, GOOD FELLOWS. This is Emily (rockrates on AIM), with yet another so-and-so!

Bringing the man-train of the most recent adds into the station, I present Peadar MacDougal! He is indeed one of those MacDougals (curse those handsome bastards!) and bears the distinction of being the youngest of the present lot -- at least until his sister Morag is born, which will be happening shortly enough anyway. In the meanwhile, here is a little bit about him:

He just graduated this past spring (RAVENCLAW REPRESEEEENT). He has no job and does not seem to be in any great hurry to find a job. He's bright enough, but was a lousy student in school (he probably drew sailboats and dragons all over his homework). He is easily distracted (see last comment re: sailboats and dragons). He will climb something just because it is there. He is pretty much in love with Quidditch. If you are female, (preferably) pretty, and between the ages of seventeen and the grave, he will probably flirt with you just for the sake of flirting with you. All this and loads and loads more over HERE at his profile!

ANYWAY. Looking for any plot from anybody! Schoolmates? Friends? Ex-ladyfriends? He already has a BFF (WHAT'S UP EFFIE), and while he's a bit of a loner otherwise, he could always use drinking buddies! ... I mean, aside from his aunt (the Bad Influence Aunt).

(And his parents are available to play too! They had Peadar back when they were eighteen themselves, and are only just now having their second child -- also they have a million other MacDougals to torment love them. :D)

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

adds / removes!

Alright, guys! We have some sad news tonight, but also some of the happiness that comes with adds!

Firstly, on the happy side of things, we have Darcy picking up Giles Vaisey, Chantal picking up Quinn Banges, Emily picking up Peadar MacDougal, and Claire picking up STEEEEEEEEEEEELLAAAAAAAAAAA Stella MacMillan!

Then, on the sad side of things, we are losing both Chel and Gia, as well as their Bellatrix and Rabastan, as they both opted to drop the game tonight. Chel and Gia, we will miss you very much!

So, please to go run the friending button for all of your characters so that you can see all the new characters' journals!

[info]not_your_daddy in [info]find_the_ooc

Ohai thar guiez. This is Darcy bringing you the oh-so-hot Giles Vaisey. Here is his info, for those interested. He was a Slytherin from 1954-1961 and has been married to Sloane Vaisey for eight years. He is a lawyer specialising in international contract law and in his spare time he eats death. He's pretty friendly if you're not a muggle/muggleborn, but even so he's careful to keep his feelings on that inside when in mixed company.

I'd love friends/exes/enemies/anything! Feel free to pounce me: rticulatedspline if you have plot ideas/questions/silly cat pictures.

[info]nopanacea in [info]find_the_ooc


Enough said.

Well, not quite. I'll be on AIM once my computer starts behaving a bit better which is - not yet. But it is coming.

I've missed you all!


[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc


Alright guys! Remember the Character Death and Family Member Death (& Etc) posts that went up a while ago? I link them in the acceptance comment, so y'all better. *finger wag*

Anyway. I went through and purged all the comments that had been left to the two posts and re-wrote the information in the posts and provided a form to be filled out (as well as examples for each post).

So! If you have any characters you want to kill, go here and comment.

If you have any characters' NPC!relatives that you'd like to have attacked, go disappear-y, or die, go here and comment.

[info]efffie in [info]find_the_ooc

Hi guys!

I'm back from hiatus. I've been sort of around the past few nights, but I've been so wiped that I've been holding off until... now! :)
