November 24th, 2009

[info]dyedinthewool in [info]find_the_ooc

Brief Hiatus!

Okay, so any of you who've worked retail know that this week is going to be madness for me. I'm going to be making a quick trip to see my parents for Thanksgiving and then coming right back to work some really long and probably grueling hours for the next week or so.

SO, this is my hiatus notice (which I should have posted a couple of days ago, really, because the long days have already started). I'll still be available by email, and I'll probably even be on AIM in the middle of the night - basically I'm just letting y'all know that my brain may be checked out entirely for a few days and I may not be good for much.

<3 - Kate (Gideon/Angus/Ted/Sirius/Cally/Sarah/Caoimhe)