November 5th, 2009

[info]giles_vaisey in [info]find_the_ooc

Oh haiiiiii!

It's Robyn here with an intro for Giles. He is 37, kiiiiind of a jerk, kind of obsessive about his wife Sloane. He's a DE, but not inner circle (yet!), and he hates his father. He's a purist, but more in the sense of how the ideals apply to society, not to him in particular. (For example, his wife works, and he supports her in doing that, and he's not tooooo fussed if they do or do not have a child, etc.) He was a major philanderer until he re-met Sloane and they got together, and he's buds with Dylan, Sloane's big brother. Oh, and he's the current acting head of Vaisey Cauldrons, pretty much the biggest cauldron supply company there is, with multiple factories and multiple storefronts and stuff. So he's building the family wealth a lot, since he's really taken it further than his father ever did. Yay for him!

He's from an old family, but noooot all that prestigious/rich of one in comparison, so he's only a tier 2 Middle Class, and he married down, not that he cares.

Soooo, I need other friends? Enemies? Girls he's slept with (he's not fussed about blood status in that department)? Et cetera!

ALSO. Look how hot he is in this icon. Whoo!