October 22nd, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

it's that time again!

And it's actually in the correct journal this time! Isn't that amazing?!

Anyway, it's time, once again, for adds! This time around, we have SEVEN NEW CHARACTERS.

So without further ado, let us welcome:

- Alie's third character, Beatrice Greengrass!
- Emilia's fourth character, Cecil Warrington!
- Chantal's second character, Olivia Wilkes!
- Jamie's seventh character, Augustus Rookwood!
- Whit's seventh character, Diedre Rookwood!
- And let us also welcome Moz back, who is returning with Betty Braithwaite and Celeste Lestrange!

So! Please go run the friending button for all of your characters!

Also, I hope everyone is working on their Masquerade logs! :D

[info]gussyup in [info]find_the_ooc

Hi guys! It's Jamie with Augustus Rookwood!

Augustus is a former Ravenclaw that finished school in 1965. He is currently an Unspeakable within the Department of Mysteries and works primarily in the Planets Room. He was a bit of an Astronomy nerd in Hogwarts, but it balanced out well with his Quidditch playing (Beater for his last three years) so he couldn't be labeled as said nerd. He is married to Diedre Rookwood and they have two kids - Derrick, who is a first year Gryffindor, and Tamsin. He is pure as pure can be and also the head of the Rookwood family as his father died a few years back. He associates with the other purebloods and his family is definitely part of that society.

Oh and did I mention that he is a Death Eater and a Ministry spy for Voldemort? Because he so is. Not that anyone would ever actually know, however. Augustus is basically the exact opposite of what anyone would ever assume a Death Eater to be like. He is friendly and charming and appears to be incredibly open-minded. People are easily drawn to him for all sorts of different reasons - from his easy smile and laugh to his sincere listening. He is a family man and he loves to listen to other people's stories about their own families. Like I said in his app: He is truly a good man who wants to do good by his family and keep them safe and is doing so in the way he was raised to believe is proper. Speaking of the app, you can read it here.

So! That being said! I would love some friends and friendly acquaintances for Augustus. He's really not the sort of person that would have any enemies, but everything else would be faaantastic! :)

[info]blood_honour in [info]find_the_ooc

Hi! Chantal here with my 2nd character: Olivia Wilkes!

Olivia is Chloe's big sister. Their parents' death, killed three years ago by Aurors on suspicion of being Death Eaters, had a total opposite reaction on Olivia and Chloe. While Chloe swore to take down Voldemort, Olivia chose to join his ranks to continue her parents' work. There was no son, no Wilkes heir to avenge their death and continue their work, and Olivia - that nothing prepared for that role - decided to take it upon herself.

It was the beginning of her double life. Publicly, she is a socialite with a 'princess' attitude, a snob and a social climber - and it's not just a front, she truly is all this. Secretly though, she's a very determined Death Eater who works extremely hard to prove herself to the the Dark Lord and the other DEs. She is rather cold in general, detached from her emotions, which is very useful when time comes to carry out orders. She loves only one person: Chloe, the only family she has left, but she doesn't know how to show it.

I know that Olivia was once played before, but this is my version of Olivia so we're starting over. If you had backstory with her though, please let me know and we could look into it. She's 21 and she was a Slytherin in 1969-1976, so I know that there are many characters around her age that she would know and she needs friends, enemies, etc. I'd also like to know how she's doing among DEs.

Her full bio is here.

I'm always up for plot, so hit me up!

[info]symphony_in_c in [info]find_the_ooc

Greetings, folklings and other such fantastical critters!

Just a belated heads' up that I'm not able to get to the library as much as I would like, and so there aren't as many Amelia updates as I would like, either. Which means I'm putting myself on a sort of hiatus, checking her flist and making a contributory journal entry when I can and when it's relevant.

but the big part is this: this coming week (starting today, actually, buahahahaha) I'm on vacation, and so this weekend I'll be away pretty much the entire time, and next week I am hoping to paint the apartment that's being built for me. Yes, this means that it's closer and closer to being done (four, five months after being started and promised, what?), so that actual MOVE IN DATE is getting closer and closer.

This makes me happy, for obvious reasons. So please, just a little more patience for me! Please, please, please.

[info]wellcomposed in [info]find_the_ooc

& more introductions!

Prepare to have another character introduction foisted upon you! That's right -- foisted.

Howdy! This is Emily, aka Emilia, aka player of Rodolphus/Gawain/& Miriam, adding a fourth character to my roster: Mr Cecil Warrington! Cecil is a Slytherin alumnus of the class of '72, played Quidditch for his House passing well, and was considered to be a squib by his parents for the greater part of his childhood. He is most decidedly not, however, as he is definitely a, er, not-baddish wizard, and works as an assistant to Mr Carlisle Vance, Ministry Prosecutor, in the DMLE.

Cut because I ramble awn & awwwwwn. )

Anyway! Loads more info about his politics/family/background HERE, because if I don't just link to it I'm liable to go on forever. SO! Looking for friends! Former ladyfriends? :O There are tons of plot possibilities listed in his info, so if anyone's interested in usin' him for some schemes, do let me know!

... and now to get caught up on all the posts/intros I've missed lately. /o\

[info]sethlans in [info]find_the_ooc

Hey everyone! I wanted to apologise for being a bit absent and/or unresponsive for the last week. I've had a heap of assignments due and then been feeling a bit blah and crabby. I certainly didn't want to take that last bit out on everyone so I've been a bit... unresponsive. I think everything's more or less back to normal so I should be more around from tomorrow onwards. If there's anything I should know about for Abe or Isidore, could you let me know? I think I've pretty much caught up but I may have missed something so better to be safe than sorry.

[info]deelightful in [info]find_the_ooc

Introducing... Diedre Rookwood!

Hey guys! It's Whit, with my seventh character. (HOLY... MOLY.)

Diedre (Dee!) Rookwood is a Pureblood socialite with a big smile on her face. She's not nearly as formal as some of the wealthy, Purist girls floating around, and she's always friendly, collected, and opinionated. In fact, she could quite easily get away with being called pretty "normal" despite the fact that her maiden name is Rosier and she's very high-society.

Diedre is feisty and never without something to say. She was in Gryffindor, 1959-1966, the only one in her family Sorted somewhere other than Slytherin. Her parents were a little worried about her wild ways growing up, but it should perhaps be noted that she was never, ever so wild as to bring shame upon the family. No, Diedre was a good little Pureblood daughter who didn't play Quidditch despite a desire to, who studied hard in school and knows how to dance properly and what all the forks, knives, and spoons mean, and who accepted an arranged marriage, despite her dreams of marrying for love. Thankfully, it turned out for her that she did fall in love with her husband. She and Augustus are cut of the same cloth - casual for their bloodlines, warm-hearted, and very into family. Her most ambitious project is her co-chairing of the DMLE Family Support network.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Dee is secretly a Death Eater supporter and helps her Death Eater husband with his assignments as best as a socialite can. She gives him alibis, lets him know any and all pertinent gossip, and above all supports him - even when his assignments are troubling. She wholeheartedly believes in the cause of the Dark Lord, even if she won't cop to it in public. Nope, she needs the information too badly to be one of those wives who sits around on their chaise lounges passing judgment on the things that their husbands do to keep them comfortable. Diedre's never minded dirtying her hands in the slightest.

Dismiss this one at your own risk. Your characters probably like her, if they know her. What's not to like? *insert evil laughter here* More about her here if you're interested!

[info]zencheerleader in [info]find_the_ooc

Happy Birthday, dear John!

So, tomorrow NPC!Auror John Dawlish is turning 31! His sister wants to throw a little party for him at her place. SO...do you have any characters who would be buddies with John Dawlish? He's an Auror, he was a Gryffindor who graduated in '67, and he's generally known as a rather serious-minded sort who takes some effort to get to know, but who's really quite warm once you get there. He's also legendary for being one of the few to make straight O's on 5 NEWTs.

So, who thinks they might want to help celebrate his birth? :D