September 29th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

stop! add time!

Alright guys! We are adding TWO NEW PLAYERS who are bringing us ONE NEW CHARACTER EACH tonight! Who happen to be SIBLINGS and the timing just happened that way, it was unintentional. ;D

Let's give a Happy Horcrux Hello to Jess, who is bringing in Amelia Bones, and Robyn, who is bringing in Jon Bones!

That button thing has been updated, so go run it for all your characters, please! :D

[info]symphony_in_c in [info]find_the_ooc

*clears throat*


Anyway, this is Jess... Yes, THAT Jess. The one who's been missing since June but who pops up every now and then to frighten you with a random CDJ entry. In any case, I'm bringing to you the EVER AWESOME Amelia Bones, who is 32, divorced, and a rising star in the DMLE. She started out as an Auror, but an injury a few years into that put and end to that part of her career. Despite what it says in her app (I forgot to change that bit), she is the personal secretary to the Junior Undersecretary to the Head of the DMLE, and is in a position to take on that job when he retires and/or kicks the bucket.

As I said above, she is divorced, to Charles Wilkinson (a bloke in Magical Games and Sports), and considers herself very close to both Edgar and his family and to her younger brother Jon (YAY HE'S IN PLAY YAY!) and his family. She LOVES LOVES LOVES being an auntie and spoiling her nieces and nephews. Uhm, I don't know what else to really say about her, but you can find out all about her here. I would, naturally, adore plot of all sorts - friends, enemies, frenimies, social friends, whatever.

Now, about me. I'm on limited internet - those of you who know my situation know that I've been trying to get my dad to finish my apt since JUNE. It's a lot further along now, but I still have to wait. I'm hoping that it is now just a matter of a few weeks before I rejoin you completely.

For now, don't look for me to be able to do any logs. I will do journal entries and comment when I can, but please bear with me; I'm going to be as active as I possibly can.

You can always email me and I'll try to answer that in a timely manner, but your best bet would be to direct message me on twitter or (if you have my cell number) to text and/or call me. The cell service that I thought I just got at my house isn't as complete as I thought it was, and so I'm back to the basics. Feel free to get in touch with me! I'll love you for it! Email is and AIM is myimpretentious and you can find me on Twitter either by my email or the same name as my AIM. Anyway, that's all I got for now.

Lemme tell ya, it's GOOD to be back, even if it's limited at the moment!

- Jess