September 27th, 2009

[info]pronouncedkeeva in [info]find_the_ooc


Hi everybody! Another weekend is passing, and you know what that means...QUIDDITCH UPDATES!

Updated scores and standings for the state of things after the last match on Monday can be found here!

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc


I mis-added Gwendolyn's username to the adding console last night, but it has been updated now! So, if you ran it last night, please swing by and run it again!

[info]nopanacea in [info]find_the_ooc

OOC: Picnic?

So there was a picnic in Hogsmeade Saturday afternoon. I believe Addie, Meredith, Greta, Alex and Chloe were there. And there were horses! Did anything particularly interesting happen?