August 28th, 2009

[info]dogofwar in [info]find_the_ooc

Good evening! An Introduction.

A-hoy-hoy! Behold my attempt to be even halfway pithy:

I am Emily (#2), but since there is already an Emily in game feel free to shorten -- or lengthen! -- that however you like. I'm bringing Mr Rodolphus Lestrange to the mix (more about him here), a man who enjoys a good cigar, a job well done, and, uh, gardening. Somewhere in there he is also a Death Eater available for all your Death Eating needs.

Though I've played with a few of you before, I am meeting most of you for the very first time and am terribly jazzed to be doing so. The game looks great, the characters look great, you look mah-valous, and if anyone would like to chat I am available for rambling & RP alike at rockrates on AIM. :)

Any plot ideas/hooks/schemes you might have, consider me all ears!

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc


Very belated tonight. I blame chat.

Anyway! Adds! Four new characters, ONE NEW PLAYER. Swing by the button of adding and please welcome to the game Emily #2, who is bringing us the long-awaited Rodolphus Lestrange. Joining Roddy on newbie-block are Cassie's fourth character, Doris Crockford; Whit's sixth character, Sturgis Podmore; and Alie's second character, Octavius Pepper!


[info]hitsyouhard in [info]find_the_ooc

Quick intro!

Hey guys! It's Whit, with my sixth and final character (ohhhh my god... how did I get so many?!) Anyway, I'm actually going on mini-hiatus for the next little bit because of work, but I'll be around starting tomorrow evening.

As far as Sturgis goes: he's Slytherin, class of 1954-1961, so older kids REPRESENT. He's a Hit Wizard dedicated to getting criminal scum off the street, starting in vice a million years ago and working himself up all the way to full-blown investigator. He still gets pulled to vice cases every now and then because he's good with them, but he much prefers the thrill of the investigative chase. You might've known him from school on the Quidditch pitch (he was the one aiming bludgers for your head), or you might know him from his recent hit wizard work.

He's loud, has a cop mouth, has a tendency to bully/push his way through anything, and is secretly in the Order. Blood purists need not apply; Sturgis is a Halfblood and proud of it (though it made his time in Slytherin refried hell). He's a good guy despite everything, very dedicated to his daughter (and equally dedicated to attempting to get along with his ex-wife). He's also in the Order, and is great at mobilizing people and reading crime scenes.

Incidentally, despite his general level of badassery, he's fatally unorganized, lives like a 20 year old college co-ed, can't cook to save his life and consequently eats cereal for dinner every evening, and has the sense of direction of a lemming.

But if you're a bad dude? HE WILL FUCK YOU UP, AND THEN HAVE CEREAL, GOT IT?!

<3 Plot ideas? Friends? Exes? He's a serial dater, SoOoOoOo.

[info]missadventure in [info]find_the_ooc

So this is Cassie with Doris Crockford. Most likely, she'll go by Dori.

A few facts about her:

- Gryffindor class of '65.

- Present owner of Terrortours. A bit of a workaholic because she loves her job so much. She also loves traveling.

- Loves anything dangerous, except Death Eaters. She hates them.

So friends, enemies, ex's, etc. would be nice to have!

Oh, I forgot to mention. She has a rock collection that she's quite proud of.

[info]semperparatus in [info]find_the_ooc

State of the Cowboy

Hi everyone!

So in light of things, there are a lot of things that probably should be addressed. We all know that Danger Diggle will expire. That's a pretty public fact. I'm not going to tell you how he'll expire. Or even when. Because that would ruin the surprise. But like I said in chat the other day...his demise is going to BRING IT ON HOME for the character.

What does that mean? This will probably be the final incarnation of Danger Diggle that we will ever see. Its not because I'm being pissy and don't want to play him anymore, or I'm mad because someone else is playing with my toys and I don't want to share. Its more along the lines of...I've been playing this character, with this group of people for the past three years. THREE YEARS! That's longer than I've ever known anyone in the RP-verse. Ever. And what a wild three years its been...between layoffs, moves, a reality all have stuck with me throughout it all. And I don't know if I could ever be more appreciative of your friendship that you've shown me throughout these years. You are possibly the best friends I've ever had - and I will always be grateful that God has put all of you in my life.

I don't think I can play Danger Diggle anywhere else and have it mean the same - or have people have the same affection for him that you all do. So it is with this closing tome that I have entered into my journal - that I respectfully & graciously retire Danger Diggle. And I do it the way only he could do it - On his own damn terms.

Now what does this mean for my presence in the game? I've heard a lot of convincing arguments to stay in the game. And I've listened. And I'm proud to say that I will be back, more sooner than later this time. Because I've grown to really appreciate everyone for the impact you have all had in my life - and I realize that, even part time, this is something that completes me. I've heard a lot of great character pitches - and I really want to thank each and every one of you for sending them to me. Now I just have to come up with a new character - and tap into a new part of my soul to reach out & create a new version of who I am.

And now, it is with great pleasure that I utter the most famous three words in broadcasting: "Please Stand By." For I will be back. Its not a matter of if - but when.

-Cowboy Joe

[info]porcelainic in [info]find_the_ooc


Okay, so. According to the calendar, Seph and Rabbit (with the assistance of such NPCs as elder!Mulciber, Karkaroff, Rookwood, and Alexander) had an attack today.

Since Liz and I haven't gotten a chance to log it out yet, it'll end up being backdated, but since this is definitely an attack that'll be inciting gossip, here's how it goes down:

This afternoon, while St. Mungo's Chief of Staff Gianna Harris was at work, her halfblooded husband Ian Harris (a magical historian who primarily works from their home in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England) disappeared. The house looked entirely untouched, he just ... wasn't home when Gianna returned home from the hospital late tonight. Likely, when Gianna gets home (late tonight), she'll call the DMLE in to come investigate.

*sing-song-y* He's not dead~ he's just not there~

[info]notsalt in [info]find_the_ooc


Hello! It's Alie! :D And this is Healer Pepper. Or, rather, his name is Octavius Pepper, but if he catches you calling him Octavius he will give you an appropriately dirty look. His muggle mommy had an odd obsession with Latin thus Pepper's very effed up first name, and the names of his sisters (Orianna and Ondine... yeah :-p). BUT. Pepper is muggleborn, the only magical member of his family. He's 24, Gryffindor alum 1973, and is currently a Healer at St Mungo's, working in the Creature Induced Injuries (CII) ward, specializing in werewolf bites and related injuries. Being friends with Alice through school, healer training, and now working in the same ward, Pepper knows about the Order and supports it, though he's still reluctant to get involved involved. But he's the sort of guy they could call on in a pinch, for triage situations and the like.

As for Pepper himself, he's a habitual flirt (was a habitual dater during Hogwarts, still is really), blunt, rather sarcastic, likes to ramble, doesn't really sleep, and sustains himself on caffeine, chain-smoking and take-away. He sports a brown leather jacket, tends to you know, not shave but on occasion, has shaggy hair that sort of stick up in the front of its own accord, and he wears canvas basketball sneakers all the time, and sneaks them into the hospital at every available opportunity. Despite his terrible habits, he is charming and has an endearing way about him--he'll grow on you if you let him. Like a fungus.

You'll find the rest of his bio here!

SO. Friends, enemies, ex-girlfriends, co-workers, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! BRING IT.