August 20th, 2009

[info]outofyourhead in [info]find_the_ooc

quick note

Okay, the log is still going but this is just to let you all know. On the night of August 20th, John Tanner and his family was murdered in Glasgow, Scotland by DEs. Dark mark followed, obviously. Basically, Tanner was a muggleborn in support of overturning the Statute of Secrecy and he lived with his Muggle wife and child. DEs went "nuh uh, I don't think so" and basically raided his place.

Stuff was blown around because apparently, we ended up NPCing adult!Crabbe-and-Goyle as sharing the same brains as their sons. ;D

The log will be put up shortly, albeit incomplete, because I figure its better to get SOME of it up, you know. So YEAH! It would have happened shortly before midnight. Have at it!