August 11th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc


Alright, guys! If you could just mosey on over to the friend add button and run it for your boys and girls, we have three new characters joining the game tonight! Abby is bringing in character number two, Mary MacDonald, while Khushi is bringing in characters three and four at the same time, Dylan Selwyn and Meredith Watkins!

Also, expect a modpost tomorrow regarding the 1 September attack on King's Cross / Platform 9 3/4. Yes, we still have three weeks, but let's not leave it until the last minute, as we did with the Diagon attack, hm? (And I promise, between now and tomorrow, I will wrap myself in bubble wrap when approaching the stairs.)

[info]outofyourhead in [info]find_the_ooc

yay me

This is Khushi and here are my third and fourth characters. At once, yeah. Because the fourth took one day while the third took ONE MONTH. :|


Dylan Selwyn (this journal) is your friendly little Obliviator. As friendly as a Death-Eater undercover can be. He's polite when at work, and blunt and a right arsehole when not, possibly on the journals as well when he feels like it. He's 36, Slytherin of '61, has a younger sister named Sloane (who if anyone wants to pick up FEEL FREE TO!), and is a sleazebag. His family is middle class, but he always hung around the richer folk in school and hence he got his way into the Dark-Mark-wearers. He's a commitment-phobic bastard, so never got around to getting married or staying with one person for too long. xD

Meredith Watkins ([info]merewrites) is Edward Watkins' younger sister, who just got out of school (Gryffindor of '79). She has NO IDEA what to do with her life. Absolutely nothing. So she just up and went into applying for an intern position at Witch Weekly. (Hey, it was open.) She has a habit of being sarcastic, losing her patience but is known to write very lengthy and persuasive apology notes to her friends when she upsets them. She just loves writing. And she loves Muggle things. She's the same Meredith from TPL for anyone who knows her there, but she's not going to go into Muggle university until a long time later. That's not even IN her mind.

That's the gist of it, there's more in the bios.. any interactions??