August 3rd, 2009

[info]kasiamac in [info]find_the_ooc

In the interest of keeping y'all updated:

As if being insanely crazed with work and then getting a nice bonus of s surprise sinus infection was not bad enough, I kiiind of shut my hand in a door the other day. Nothing's broken, but my fingers are pretty badly bruised, which means it really hurts to type unless I do it one handed and that gets old and tiring really fast.

Suffice to say, I am not going to be up to anything RPwise until it heals, because just the little bit of typing I have to do for work is making me want to stab myself. :(

I really hope it feels better soon, because a) OW! and b) I miss you guys.

That was way too much to type. Ow. But I wanted to let you guys know what was up. <3!

[info]potion_master in [info]find_the_ooc


All right. I'm on a sort of hiatus for the rest of this week as I am going back to Missouri to go to a friend's wedding and hopefully do some wedding planning of my own with my Mum.

If you need to get a hold of me or want anything from any of my characters, the best way is by email cause I will have my iphone on me!


[info]fear_the_paw in [info]find_the_ooc

Mod Takeover

Not really.

FYI to everyone who doesn't know this. But Brandi's modem at her house went down. So she might be a little slow today.

That is all.

Carry on.

[info]heart_of_a_lion in [info]find_the_ooc

no more mutiny!

Thank you, Cat, for letting everyone know I was temporarily modem-less. :) But internet is now back up, so I am rejoicing and back.

So if you were planning a mutiny or a take-over, you can stop now. Just hold onto those plans for another couple of weeks until I'm going to be gone with limited internet for a whole week. ;D

And when you guys do mutiny and take over ... take good care of her, she's a good ship game.

[info]semperparatus in [info]find_the_ooc

Trim, Fit, & Back for Round Two!

Hello my old friends!

I really did miss you guys. No joke. Let me tell you it really is good to be working with you group of people once more. No, seriously - you guys really have made me a better writer. I was just thinking about the other day when this all started back in 2006...and I would go to my favorite coffee shop on the California Coast & write these massive Danger Diggle posts for fun. I missed those days - and I'm glad I'm getting back into them once more.

Its Cowboy Joe, back again with the legend himself - Danger Diggle. Many of you have played with Danger a long time before. You probably remember him for his flying obscenities, constant war cry of "FEAR THE PAW!," obsession with the muggle military forces, and the infamous "Statue of David" incident, where Danger Diggle threatened to go to the Halloween ball in the nip - dressed as Michelangelo's David.

This Danger isn't that much of a stretch from the last Danger - except now he's 19 and legal to drink and work as a bartender. This Danger still has his polarizing point of view that people either love or hate - people love him because he's a lunatic, or people hate him because he has no sense and makes very obscene and ludicrous comments about pure-bloods.

But, just like the 5th Season of Beauty and the Geek, there is a twist. This Danger is going to grow a lot more than the Danger past - he'll be forced to as he will be going into the Auror program, and will be challenged in new ways, and will see things he hasn't been exposed to before. This will change Danger's perspectives - and that won't be a bad thing.

So enjoy Danger 1.0 for the last month (and part of the time) he is in Auror boot camp. Because that's about to change.

P.S. Danger is going to need a LOT of help in potions in order to get through the Auror program. So I'm going to need to start working out plottage with someone who would be interested in helping Danger out with learning potions all over again. Don't everybody raise your hands at once.

Its awesome to be back! I can't wait to dive in with Deddy!!!

-Cowboy Joe

P.S. my old screen name hasn't changed - yell at me whenever! (CaptFantastic49 for those keeping score at home!)

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

add time!

Adds two nights in a row! Yay!! Swing by the friending button and run it for your babies, please and thank you! And please welcome Moz, who is bringing us Celeste Lestrange, baby sis to Rodolphus and Rabastan!