July 28th, 2009

[info]erasingyou in [info]find_the_ooc

Hi guys! It's Cassie with Marcus Yaxley.

Some facts about him:
-> Hufflepuff '65-'71; Prefect and Head Boy; Beater '68-'71
-> Halfblood
-> Obliviator
-> Death Eater
-> Has a wife and not quite a year old daughter
-> Related to the Belby's, and in some way related to the Blacks and Weasleys.

So friends, enemies, etc.?

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

regarding Benedict Rump

So, obviously the Minister is sort of headdesking at the moment over the idiocy of his son. Benedict was at a bar yesterday evening, trying to sound big and tough, and Guy happened to be there, as well. The ministry press secretary is having a fit of a time trying to make this sound not-bad for Minister Rump, but a press release would go out this afternoon, basically saying that Benedict will be making a public apology for his comments and that the Ministry does not endorse vigilante justice.

As for Aurors, most are being taken off hospital detail, but there will still be Aurors at the hospital: two at a time in the reception area on eight-hour shifts (8 am - 4 pm, 4 pm - 12 am, 12 am - 8 am), checking the wands of everyone but healers. Other Aurors (not trainees!) will be put on protection detail for Benedict. In the same eight-hour shifts, there will be two shadowing him at all times and a third staking out his flat on Vertic Alley (off Diagon). This will go on until the minister feels as though his son is no longer in danger.

Or, you know, until something else happens. Ahem.

Anyway, the Aurors won't necessarily have the same shift every day and they may rotate between Benedict Babysitting Duty, Hospital Guard Duty, and General Aurorness Duty. They'll never work two shifts in a row, though.

Questions? I've got answers. :)