July 20th, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

another add!

Alright, guys! Swing by the add button again! Sara is bringing in her second character, Miss Emmeline Vance!

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

more spammage

I promise I'll stop spamming with modly business. ;D

There are two new posts up in [info]find_calendars. One is for you to offer up any family members of your character to be used as cannon fodder, since the DEs are up to disappearances and stuff (I've just edited it to include non-muggle(born) family members, as well, so if you've already commented or skimmed past it, please swing by again). The other is just to keep everyone's desires regarding their characters' demises (and any specifics regarding those) all in one place. If you want your character to die, that is. Keep in mind that this is AU: if your character dies or disappears in canon, he or she does not necessarily have to meet the same fate, or necessarily in the same way.

Neither post requires comments, but (of course) it would be very nice if you could offer up your own character or their families, it makes for more plotty goodness if it's actually people related to characters in-play than if it's just random people dying and disappearing.

And semi-relatedly, what are everybody's opinions on a Death Eater attack on Platform 9 3/4 on September 1st?

[info]quietemma in [info]find_the_ooc


Hi everyone!

It's Sara again, and I bring you Emmeline Vance. She was Ravenclaw '70-'77, and is now working as an Unspeakable in the Dept of Mysteries. She's also in the Order!

She's quiet because she doesn't believe in saying something unless there's really something worth saying, but she's not afraid to speak her mind. If you knew Emmeline in M'75 this is basically her a few years later. Full profile can be found in her journal.

So! Friends, enemies, coworkers, etc?