July 6th, 2009

[info]vivalaviv in [info]find_the_ooc


Hi, this is Whit with my fourth (oh god FOURTH...) character. Her name's Vivian Diggory, and she's happily married to none other than Amos.

Chances are, if you've ever worked for the Ministry in ANY capacity, you've had dealings with the Pureblood Vivian (maiden name Gamp). She used to be a bigwig for HR before the birth of Cedric, working specifically for Compliance. So she'd know you if you didn't wear the correct work uniform, and she'd know you even if you DID, because she was the one keeping all your personal records and private coaching information! Don't worry, she's very discreet.

She hasn't worked in Compliance for a couple of years. These days she works in payroll. Any problem with your paycheck? You would come to Viv. And yes, she goes by Viv or Vivian or Mrs. Diggory, and isn't picky at all.

Personality-wise, she's very ambitious but sweet. She's a fan of family and fun times, and I imagine there are very few people that get on her nerves too much. She's quite nice and always willing to lend an ear... over tea or a pint, really.

Oh, but if you imply that she's too cute for her husband, she WILL eat your face. Just sayin'.

Backstory? Friends? PURLEASE?