October 22nd, 2012

[info]georgietta in [info]find_players

WANTED: this man for a line over at [info]kingdomdivided. i want a potentially romantic line where he's an aristocrat (obvs with people talking shit about him) and he meets my fletcher's daughter and they become friends because 1. she only notices his eyes and not his height, and 2. he admires her dream of learning to read and write and improve herself. so he wants to help her. she's shy and her father used to be titled but lost it and her dad's tried to teach her all he knows about being a lady beneath her peasant dirt. and so the aristocrat is intrigued and enchanted... potentially. it doesn't have to be romantic and i'd prefer to see things develop organically after the initial meeting.

[info]blainewarbler in [info]find_players

Seeking Sebastian Smythe!

Hello, everybody! My name's Zoe, I'm 23, and I am here in search of a PSL partner for a Seblaine line. In other words, I'm looking for someone to play their Sebastian opposite of my Blaine here.

First off, let me show you a little about my Blaine and writing style. Journal examples can be found HERE, Text Messages & IM conversations HERE, and threads HERE. As you can see, I semi-recently played in a game but it closed down due to inactivity and it stayed true to the show, so any Sebastian references had to stay friendly/eventually angry only.

I have a few different ideas as to what we could do, and of course you'll have input as well. I'm thinking either we go off a ledge and forward a few years to college days (we can either have this entire thing AU in any of these scenarios where they have/haven't met yet, or Kurt was never in the picture), or we stick to more recent times and make Sebastian a Senior the same year that Blaine is and either bring him into the picture once Kurt is out of it with the recent Klaine break up or like I said, go AU and Kurt was never there but Seblaine already know each other.

I'd prefer to do threads as well as AIM chat with the two of them, and we can really go anywhere with this. I'm not afraid of playing out any smut, but I also want to see some character/relationship development as well.

WHAT I'M NOT LOOKING FOR: Seeing as I want to develop an actual relationship out of this, I don't want to see a Sebastian that is only using Blaine to get in his pants. Not only is that boring and uncreative, but I think it's pretty obvious via the show how much he likes him that he's not just trying to grab and bag. [/end]

I love seeing Sebastian's that have family problems - what makes him who he is? His dad's too busy, Sebastian's an attention whore, his dad never pays attention to him or goes to any of his performances. Is his mother even in the picture still? Basically, I'm not just in it for the smut. Blaine wants to know everything there is about Bas, even if that takes a long, long time to get through all those layers.

So! I can be reached at zoeitup@gmail.com or you can PM this journal if you're interested and we can chat more! :D As for my availability, I'm EST and right now I'm fairly unlimited as to when I can play, whether it's 10 AM or 2 AM - so just let me know your schedule. I'm fine with several tags a day or going back and forth for long periods of time.

[info]marrynightmod in [info]find_players

Vampire Diaries



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In many ways it was inevitable. Elena died. After surviving kidnappings, numerous attempts on her life, and a ritual where her life was drained from her, she was killed in a car accident. Drowned in the water under Wickery Bridge, her last thoughts that this was where it all started. It's not where it ended. She woke up in transition and her friends trying to find a way to keep her human. It was a spell by Bonnie that found the way. Now, they are back at the beginning. A chance to make new choices and possibly avoid their fates, the dead are living again, school is about to start, and Elena Gilbert is alive. More importantly, unaware.

A mature Vampire Diaries role play beginning in the first season with a twist. Those killed before season 4 remember everything that happened up until Elena's death, as does Bonnie. Elena remembers meeting Damon and Stefan rescuing her.