November 6th, 2011

[info]theperfectheir in [info]find_players

How about we get Mr Nathaniel Ashford, own of Ashford Designs, to join [info]casilda, [info]alostsoul, [info]bricksandbones and [info]theperfectheir to round out their family over at [info]crossing_towns via [info]modly_shapes?

[info]geekyjessica in [info]find_players

Hunter Parish to [info]ilovela for her older brother/best friend?

[info]wakeupwithyou in [info]find_players

Does anyone know "Valentine" The short lived tv show on the CW a few years ago? I really would like to play phoebe, but I want to know if there's a Leo out there for her!

Any Leo/Hercules from Valentine out there?!
