January 5th, 2010

[info]cursedxdestiny in [info]find_players

Supernatural psl

A couple of us are trying to get a Supernatural psl together where any character, alive or dead, are welcome. The basic idea is a bit rough since right now we're trying to see who would be up for it and what characters would be played. The tenative idea is a fold in time or a wormhole that the characters all get thrown into and come together.

The taken characters at the moment are: Dean Winchester, Madison Owens, Mary Campbell and Jo Harvelle.

We are open to any and all characters you can possibly think up. Feel free to PM me or comment here with questions or interest.


[info]aiodemods in [info]find_players

Name: [info]aiodemods
Game: Aiode Falls — join us for our fourth year!
Format: Thread/Journal Entry/AIM (optional)
Genre: Panfandom
In search of:
The Pie Maker would like a Chuck or Olive to help run The Pie Hole in town. He'd appreciate any familiar face really. Emerson would be appreciated as well and probably a nice addition to Flack Investigations.

A humanoid Megatron is wanted by all but especially to make trouble for Optimus, Ironhide, and Sam Witwicky. Also an actual Bumblebee would be great; right now he's just NPC'd in Autobot form. Plot would be automatic, and either would be a nice addition to the opposing sides.. And who doesn't love a good "OMGIMHUMAN" post?

Bobby Singer is needed for the Winchesters; and Ellen! And how about a Ruby so Lilith isn't stuck doing all the dirty work for Lucifer? Both would be great and have numerous plot connections!

Sookie Stackhouse is in search of Bill and Eric; or anyone for that matter. We'd like more non-sparkly vampires in general!

Eric Cartman is wanted by the boys to complete the crew! A Butters would be an awesome addition and would probably have a nerdgasm over the few superhero types in town, or be extremely jealous of the mutant students.

Our Claudia Donovan would like a Pete, Myka, & Artie to help her with the abandoned warehouse she's taken over in town. They'd have extended plot most likely with Torchwood and The Librarian!

Dionysus, Eros, Zeus, Poseidon & Apollo are all wanted! Aphrodite would very much like her son around and it'd probably cause some mixed feelings from Ares. Poseidon would be a great co-harbor master for the town. Though all would be appreciated for plot purpose both for specific characters as well as the potential to be the cause of game-wide plots!

We accept Original Characters! Whether they're fandom based or completely made up! They're always welcomed and we encourage Aiode Falls natives, especially cops and teens!

[info]josh_resendes in [info]find_players

Can I PLEASE get a Cheyenne Kimball to be this kid's girlfriend, over at [info]whhs?