January 4th, 2010

[info]castiels_hunter in [info]find_players

Can anyone offer a home to Dean and/or Sam?

(Strictly NO slash and PSLs or small groups preferred.)

[info]tricksters_mod in [info]find_players

Hi there! I'm one of the mod's of [info]trickstersrealm a Roleplay game based on the Tamora Pierce books. It's a multi-era game so you can play any of her characters. We're a small, friendly group of players that are always looking for people to join us. Why? The game is a relaxed one and there are plenty of characters open. There's no age limit either so don't worry if you're under 18! We would love to see Prince Roger, Thom and plenty of other characters too.

[info]cursedxdestiny in [info]find_players

I'm looking for a game, multi-fandom or Supernatural based, where I can throw in my Mary Campbell (later known as Mary Winchester). I'm also up for a group psl.

I'm also looking for a John Winchester for her. If you play him and would be up for playing against a Mary Campbell I will love you forever.

Feel free to PM me or comment here.
