September 16th, 2009

[info]srslyblacksheep in [info]find_players


Hi, I'm Steff from [info]darkmark_rising and we just lost our Severus Snape and are desperately seeking a new one!

I play Sirius Black who really wants his favourite punching bag. Previously Snape had a bit of a romantic tie with Xeno Lovegood, which is an option to more forwards with, or simply end. Also, Snape has been recently a target for recruitment with the Dark Lord.


[info]northwind in [info]find_players

Hi, I'm Emily and I play Ned Muffet ([info]smugly) over at [info]nurserycrimes! It's a game that is based on the Nursery Crimes series written by Jasper Fforde. The game has been around since March, it went on a short break and is opening back up. Today in fact! There are a couple of new characters, you can see the entire list here, but there is one in particular that I would like to see around.

IRENE ROCKFORD is 27 and works at Happily Inc with Ned as his assistant. Together they work with the actors employed by the company. From the description in the blurb, she balances out Ned's jackass personality. For lack of a better word, Irene is a nice, and a bit of a gossiper.

I can promise plenty of plot with whoever picks her up, and her BFF Nora Wood is already in play at the game. I'm sure she'd love to have an Irene around too. :) The mods of the game are incredibly dedicated, and I have grown to love playing there so much. Even if Irene is not your thing, please take a look at the other characters listed. We're a small group, but we are a good group, and we can always use more people. :)

[info]enchantedmod in [info]find_players

Fair is an original character role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books.

We're looking for any and all original fantasy characters! From royalty and courtiers to servants and peasants- we have ongoing plot that involves everyone. No canon knowledge of Levine's books is required.

Character ListRulesApplication

[info]agent_bishop in [info]find_players

A few days ago I posted about interest in a first season psl Heroes game. Since I received great feedback

Here it is!

First come, first serve!

Game will start Friday night.

Look forward to playing with you!