September 2007



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Aug. 12th, 2007


[Gundam Wing] Puzzles

Title: Puzzles
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Trowa/Duo
Special Note: Fluff helps everyone...

Puzzles )

Word Count: 337


[Gundam Wing] Apology

Title: Apology
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Duo
Written for: [info]toxictattoo
Special Note: I asked for an idea, and Jan gave me this... sort of. ^.^

Apology )

Word Count: 247


[Gundam Wing] Cherries

Title: Cherries
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Quatre/Duo
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: This is a sequel to Mango, written because Saishi isn't feeling well and should be cheered up. Enjoy!

Cherries )

Word Count: 881


[Gundam Wing] Mango

Title: Mango
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo/Quatre
Written for: [info]damoyre
Special Note: Yet another of the Christmas drabble, written to these specifications. This one made it to ficlet status... barely. Merry Christmas, Damoyre! (This story was inspired, in a very roundabout way, by tpod's Process Control fic.)

Mango )

Word Count: 572


[Gundam Wing] Ring

Title: Ring
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Relena
Special Note: Yet another of the Christmas drabble, written to these specifications. I'd still love to know what's considered unforgivable about the request, though. Merry Christmas, Ruth!

Ring )

Word Count: 369


[Gundam Wing] Longing

Title: Longing
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Heero
Written for: [info]babaca
Special Note: Happy (extremely belated) birthday, babaca!

Longing )

Word Count: 71


[Gundam Wing] White Lace

Title: White Lace
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Duo
Written for: [info]bearilou
Special Note: Trio is an original character initially slated for another story entirely. The story never got written, and I thought that the muse had disappeared. Apparently, I was wrong. Another of the Christmas Drabble, set to these specifications. Merry Christmas, bear!

White Lace )

Word Count: 135


[Gundam Wing] Rough

Title: Rough
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo
Special Note: Another of the Christmas Drabble, set to these specifications. Merry Christmas, foobard!

Rough )

Word Count: 161


[Gundam Wing] Sleep

Title: Sleep
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo
Special Note: This is a setup for a potential fic idea my muse pinged me with. I have no idea whether the story will actually get written yet, but Duo wouldn't leave me alone until at least the drabble was done.

Sleep )

Word Count: 211


[Gundam Wing] Reverie

Title: Reverie
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Duo
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: Set in the Death and The Dragon Arc, directly after the last scene in Reunion.

Reverie )

Word Count: 200


[Gundam Wing] Gentle

Title: Gentle
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Quatre/Trowa
Special Note: Happy birthday, Kel!

Gentle )

Word Count: 180


[Gundam Wing] Sensation

Title: Sensation
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sex
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo/Quatre
Special Note: This is my own interpretation of this picture, which is drawn by kashieseidolon.

Sensation )

Word Count: 489


[Gundam Wing] Memory

Title: Memory
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Wufei/Meiran
Written for: [info]chichiri_no_da
Special Note: Thanks to [info]chea_hidden for the theme.

Memory )

Word Count: 105


[Gundam Wing] Steel

Title: Steel
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing or POV: Duo (about Wufei)

Steel )

Word Count: 100


[DnD/Original] Different Worlds

Title: Different Worlds
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: None (does DnD count?)
Pairing or POV: Kali Indrana (on Ichiro)
Written for: [info]chichirinoda
Special Note: Happy birthday, Chichiri no da!

Different Worlds )

Word Count: 180


[Meine Liebe] Pearl

Title: Pearl
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Meine Liebe
Pairing or POV: Naoji (about Lui)
Written For: [info]raighne
Special Note: I should've known that no matter what theme was given, Naoji would turn it into a way to wax eloquent about Lui.

Pearl )

Word Count: 356


[Meine Liebe] Steady

Title: Steady
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Meine Liebe
Pairing or POV: Naoji + Camus
Written for: [info]petermaxwell
Special Note: The first of a few birthday drabble...

Steady )

Word Count: 279


[Original] Resignation

Title: Resignation
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Rating: NC-17 for violence and squick
Fandom: Original Characters
Pairing or POV: Maeron/Devlin
Special Note: This is squicky. It squicks me. You've been warned.

Resignation )

Word Count: 359


[Weiß Kreuz] Sexy

Title: Sexy
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Aya, Ken, Omi (about Crawford)
Written For: [info]raighne
Special Note: Jami wanted me to write from the point of view of my muses, since the actual characters pretty well dislike Crawford, and the point was to hear them talking about what they thought of Crawford. It was fun!

Sexy )

Word Count: 353


[Weiß Kreuz] Mystery

Title: Mystery
Author: Trio Maxwell-Chang
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
Pairing or POV: Farfarello (about Aya-chan)

Mystery )

Word Count: 332

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