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May 30th, 2009

[info]ex_drwho263 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Star Trek Fandom here [info]spacejump

We need a Spock, Sulu and more. And other fandom.

Its an open game with promising plots and fun and drama. Don't have know Star Trek to play. That's okay but check us out!


[info]riddikulus_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

post-hogwarts trio-era

The year is 2000. After seven tumultuous years, everything is calm. Harry Potter has defeated the Dark Lord, and things are finally as they were always meant to be.

Hypothetically. Nearly two years after the war, and witches and wizards everywhere are still having trouble putting their lives back together. Missing friends, dead family, strained relationships, and social inadequacies are causing mixed feelings everywhere. What should have been a perfect time is now, to put it best, awkward. There are so many people who don't quite know what to do with themselves now that the world isn't in grave peril.

Lucky for them, there are still a few people out there looking to change that.

Riddikulus is a game focused on character development and interaction. We offer writing prompts, a driven plot, a quill-bearing Rita, and fun players. We hope to see you soon!

WANTED: Draco Malfoy, Bill & Charlie Weasley, Viktor Krum, Verity White, Katie Bell, Roger Davies, Justin Finch-Fletchley, the Montgomery twin, Seamus Finnigan, Eddie Carmichael, Michael Corner, Mandy Brocklehurst, Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Adrian Pucey, Zacharias Smith, Oliver Wood, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Luna Lovegood, the Carrows, Death Eaters, Blood Purists, and TONS more!
Characters | Cast | Apply | Rules | Wanted



[info]peskyalice in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Darkness Rising

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Darkness Rising RPG Community

"….Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing … The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere … panic … confusion …"

Across Europe the Wizarding Community lies in fear. Voldemort and his followers are on the rise, leaving behind a reign of terror in their wake. As his numbers increase, Wizards begins to grow more uneasy, increasingly choosing to fall prey to his Empire, out of fear, unwilling to stand up and fight.

In spite of the increasing danger, a small group of vigilante Wizards have begun a rebellion, daring to do what the Ministry fears to do; fight. The Order of the Phoenix is slowly growing into a force to be reckoned with, threatening not only Voldemort, but the Ministry itself.

Change is on the brink for the students of Hogwarts. No longer will they be safe behind the confines of the castle, unaware to the real dangers of the world. They will soon be forced to make their own loyalties known; a decision that will affect not only the rest of their lives, but the entire Wizarding World.

Amongst the darkness, these students are potentially the light needed to give the Order the man power to take on Voldemort’s forces. As both sides fight to gain support, one question lies: which side do you choose?

Darkness Rising is a canon compliant Marauders Era RPG taking place in 1978. Game opened February 1, 2009.

Most Wanted: Amelia Bones*, Alecto Carrow *, Amycus Carrow, Rabastan* and Rodolphus* Lestrange, Xeno Lovegood, Alastor Moody, Peter Pettigrew, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Rufus Scrimgeour*, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Andromeda Tonks*, and many others!

Asterisk's* indicate recasts. All recast information can be found here

[info]requiem_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Requiem of a Dream


Requiem of a Dream

Character Directory
What should have been the beginning of the first great war in the wizarding war, history was changed forever. In 1975 with Tom Riddle's army growing every day not only in number but in strength and power as well Dumbledore began to mount his own counter assault with the forming of the Order of Phoenix. Words were exchanged and before long the conversation became rather heated and wands were drawn. Albus Dumbledore tried to talk some sense into Tom Riddle once more but he refused to listen, after all when one has an army of Dark Witches and Wizards as well as Dark Creatures what is there to fear? Thinking that fate would finally be on his side this time Tom Riddle summoned up all of his power and in one single, lucky, well placed Avada Kedavra he struck down Albus Dumbledore. It didn't take long for the ecstacy that came with such an act to flood through him and with his greatest enemies body dead and cooling rapidly at his feet his summoned his followers and began his plan to take over their world.

A week passed before the news came that Albus Dumbledore was dead, and it came in the form of his body being put on display in the Ministry as Riddle's army flooded it and took over. It was an easy take over, most people shocked at the sight of one of the greatest men in their world dead, the hope that had sprang at being able to defeat the Dark Lord and his followers died quickly and the Death Eaters swept through everything. In that first week the Ministry fell to them, followed quickly by St. Mungo's and last but not least Hogwarts became Riddle's new home.

Five years have passed since Riddle and his army took over and things have gotten considerably darker. All hope though is not lost for those who still believe as Dumbledore did. Help is coming and in the least likely form ever.
What happens when one world dream becomes a reality and another becomes a dream of a time passed? Will you continue to stand beside your beliefs? Or abandon them as the two strongest dark wizards known to their world come to blows? The choice is yours. But choose wisely, for dreams are easily crushed and very rarely ever able to be rebuilt.


[info]kagutaba in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Sakura Taisen Multifandom RPG

Life as you know it is about to be turned upside down. You receive notice that you have been accepted into the ranks of the Imperial Capital Defense Program for your impressive spiritual energy levels. It isn't until your arrival at headquarters that you learn what this means.

The world around you is under attack, which is kept secret from the general public. Demon forces are attacking around the world and governments have been constructing Assault Teams to fight back. All over the world, there are groups dedicated to defeating these foes. You have been invited to become part of one of these teams.

However, there is another slight detail to the job description. In order to prepare spiritually and mentally for battle, you must also be able to perform in the theatrical arts. Are you up to the challenge?
Story || Guidelines || FAQ || OOC || Mod Team and Contact List
Taken || Reserve || Request || Drop || Application || Quick Add List || Assault Teams || Game Suggestions
Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

Currently waiting for 10 applications before officially opening the doors

[info]forsaken_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

In the ancient days, the gods relied on Seers to prophesize their next move, and foresee any dangers that faced the supernatural deities. These Seers would band together and hold rituals to See what lay ahead for all beings; man, god, and other alike. Nearly 12,000 years ago, the Seers saw something that frightened the gods so much that they took drastic measure. They held a counsel and decided that, to save themselves, they would do the unthinkable. Combining their powers, the sent all supernatural beings to the continent of Atlantis. To keep balance in the world, the gods did not destroy the island. Instead, they sent it to another realm, where they would be safe from what the Seers had predicted - the downfall of the gods by the extraordinary... by the supernatural.

For thousands and thousands of years, the supernatural (as well as the unfortunate humans) have lived on the continent and have reached a point of peace and prosperity. The Seers, however, who were banished with the beings (out of fear, naturally) have been seeing things which could change the shape of their world forever. Darkness is coming... who will stand and fight?

Background || Races || Rules || Locations of Interest || Map || Holds/ Taken PBs || Taken Characters || Bestiary || Application || Tags

[info]gilded_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Only The Ruthless Survive

Long after the wars finally settled and the Monarchy had come to existence, there is now another struggle for power coming into play but this is far more dangerous and the outcome has consequences far worse than any war or small skirmish can produce. What kind? How about the complete destruction of the feudal way of life in Wizarding England? When an heir comes into question and families begin fighting for favor, only those who can survive will write the history books.

God Save the King

The Royal Family of Great Britain has a secret. It's a secret they are oath bound by treaty to keep. For the past 300 years, the throne has been held by wizards, who have kept the country in a dual government. Muggles fall under the parliamentary rule and see the monarchy as a symbol of their country. Wizards, however, fall under the direct rule of King Lucius I, The Malfoy Dynasty has been in power for less than a century, and with Prince Draco the only heir, the line could leave the bloodline and pass to the Longbottoms, a family who stands for everything the Malfoys do not.

The Monarchy has another secret. Since 1944, all muggleborns have had a binding spell cast on them from birth. This spell keeps them from using their magic until they attend Hogwarts, however, what no one outside of the king and a few select advisers know is this spell binds muggleborns for life, keeping them from using dark magic, unforgivables and weakening them magically in general. If this secret is discovered, it will change everything.

War is brewing once again, but this war is not of blood and spells, but of power and position. Everyone wants something, and nothing is for free.

Opens June 1

Wanted Characters: James, Lily and Harry Potter, Ernie MacMillian, Amos Diggory, Rabastan Lestrange, Daphne Greengrass, Fred, Charlie and George Weasley

[info]blackline_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

AThinBlackLine, a Gladiator X-men game

Welcome to Revolve
After the death of Charles Xavier, Revolve became the home for all mutants, whether they liked it or not. Mutants are stripped of their rights, fitted with collars and forced to fight for the amusement of the world's elite. Their days are spent training for matches, working at the island's amusement park, serving human guests and dreaming of some day getting enough money to buy their freedom.
What would you do? Would you play the game? Fight the system? Start a revolution? Plot your escape?
The future of mutantkind rests in your hands.

[info]head_thieves in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

[info]thiefs_downfall [info]behind_downfall
Characters Taken PBs Rules Application

Want a game that's

- Got a unique, fresh plot without a rehashing of the Voldemort storyline?

- Got talented writers who play characters that do more than ship?

- Open to new players and not cliquish?

- Willing to work with players to develop storylines both within and independent from the main storyline?


Come and join us at Thief's Downfall, a post-Hogwarts game set in 2003. The goblins are unhappy, and it's about to turn the wizarding world on its ear. We have many c

[info]gaiamods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Legend holds that when Gaia, the over-mind, created Judoh, it understood that as long as the city would be led by one of their own, it would become prey to the same vices and mistakes that plagued the rest of the society. In practice, after countless years of wars and political struggle, the mastermind designed a city built to thrive in spite of the passage of time. It built over the ruins of open conflict, turning casualties of mortars into the foundations of a scintillating city. It instilled rules and regulations and brought humans prosperity in exchange for obedience.

As in the Bible, those who did not obey were thrown out of Paradise.


[info]mythomania in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Who needs sparkly vampires anyway?

City of Rain, an original supernatural RP.

Held/Taken PB's
Contact Info
Drop Box
IC Community

Suicides and homicides had always been common in the black hole that we like to call Seattle, but they've suddenly increased at such an alarming rate, that the public demands for answers and are outraged when the police find none. All fingers begin to point towards the mayor, and her suicide still shocks them all.

Everyone begins to wonder if these suicides are linked together, and linked to the multiple murders that are spreading through the city. The murders are all done in a similar fashion: decapitation, as are the suicides, all hangings that never show signs of asphyxiation.

The werewolves think that the vampires are doing quite a sloppy job of covering up their messes.

[info]breedmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

When the Others came out to the world in 2003, the humans weren’t quite sure what to think. Suddenly, they weren’t alone in the world; they were no longer the most dominant species on the planet, though they still far outnumbered those with remarkable, unbelievable gifts. Werecreatures began to show themselves all around the globe, transforming in plain sight for all to see, the vampires not far behind. It didn’t take long for the remaining, mortal population to divide; some wanted to be like those they came to call Others, wanted into their worlds, some feared them and made their voices heard. Some refused to believe the revelation, even after it swept the media, printed in black and white and flashed across news bulletins worldwide.

It didn’t take long for the humans to realise there were too many of them to just ignore. Tensions mounted, worried parents wondering if their children were safe with the ‘offspring’ of Others in the same schools as their precious boys and girls. Word quickly spread when a small handful of powerful politicians and one or two influential leaders came out to the world, announcing what they were. The Others were everywhere.

Slowly but surely, everything began to ease; the humans started to settle, and following their example, those who had come clean relaxed, assured that their lives were not in danger. Time passed, and the Others began to pop up in every walk of life; musicians, teachers, store clerks, newsreaders. They really were everywhere.

And yet, hidden among their own kind, those who were not quite supernatural and not quite normal hesitated on the threshold, on the verge of announcing themselves. Others were already treated warily, even five years down the line, but how would mortals react to their own kind being Gifted? Able to read thoughts undetected and burn strong buildings to the ground without accelerant or matches, the Gifted knew they would be feared perhaps even more than those able to shift into animals or drain the blood from mortals. So they lie in wait, keeping their powers hidden, waiting and watching, to see how the first chapter ends.

Because if history has taught us anything, it is that division never truly goes away, and sooner or later, the shaky balance will be torn apart.
breedmod, thebreed, breed_logs, breed_ooc
The Breed is an open, welcoming community of writers indulging in their love of the supernatural in an original setting. Individual plots are encouraged, coinciding with game-wide stories that involve everyone. We opened in June 2008, and would love some fresh, new faces to join in on the fun. Holds are always open, and applications are accepted at all times, whether they be for loners, or characters attached to established groups!

vampires (Coven members!), humans (Gifted and otherwise; more men would be great), various therianthropes (loners and those connected to established groups)

[info]dpmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Deceptive Perception

The land known as Inora consists of a set of islands that cradle more than just mortals in its loving embrace. They were said to have been created by vampires long ago. This gave them a place to live among the mortals who fed them while painting the earth red with blood. Eventually, other races were thrown into the fray and a century of war was fought for supremacy.

Centuries passed between rulers and the times of war seemed to almost be forgotten. The treaty between the demons and vampires has always been upheld. The werewolves have always protected the treaty and, eventually, winds of change blew through the lands. Times evolved and an industrial revolution took hold. All was well with the lands.

But even something as simple as your perception can be deceptive and nothing is ever perfect...

The latest in a long line of demonic kings has died and the vampires have come back into the throne. Even with this change, death and violence still run rampant through Inora's streets and it seems the Gunslingers are unable to stop it.

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution..?

Game being restarted after 10 applications!

Site Map

[info]dpmod | [info]deceptpercep | [info]dp_ooc | [info]dp_past | [info]dp_apps
Premise | Rules | Characters | Wanted/Needed | Holds & Applications
Character Creation | Taken PBs | Lands & Cities | Site Map


[info]pseudolife in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Harry Potter Needed!!

[NEEDED] Harry James Potter!!! (We just lost ours to real life and are looking to refill the position for pending plotlines!)
[GAME] DoubleCrossed @ ij. It's a postwar game set in 2004 that is part social character plots and part game plots. The Death Eaters are making trouble and looking to bring Voldemort back, and there's more character drama than you can shake a stick at! And I know we all love character drama!
[CONTACT] [[info]doublecrossed][[info]doublemods][[info]double_ooc][doublemods@gmail.com]
[ABOUT ME & MINE] I'm Alicia and I play Hermione, Rabastan & Hestia Jones. Hermione wants Harry for the obvious of he's her best mate and also to keep her head cool during all this new trouble. But EVERYONE in game wants Harry because everyone plays with everyone there so he's got lots of interaction!

[info]spacejump in [info]fantasy_rpgs

space: the final frontier

The Star Date -65415.00, Nero had been vanquished by the red matter he used so frequently. The consequences of using the red matter was a backlash, but instead of just creating black holes and ripping holes in the space time continuum, it's also ripped holes in the dimensional continuum and it's pulling people into the new world.

All sorts of people with no real home, arriving with anything on them at the time and a communicator that would attract the attention of the Enterprise.
these are the voyages of the starship enterprise.

Space time! takes place after the events of the movie. It allows you the benefit of being in the first Star Trek panfandom on insanejournal and playing your favourite character. We welcome all characters! No one is turned away :D!

Don't lie, you wanna nerd out here.

taken, application, rules, hold, flocked contact