April 23rd, 2012

[info]sometimes in [info]fandom_psls

Not sure of my chances with this, but I'm looking for a Heroes line, a Sylar for my Peter, to be specific (PSL or for a storyline here).

For a PSL we could stick along the canon route, perhaps post-S4 with the two of them trying to figure out if it's possible for Peter to get his original ability back (Sylar does enjoy fixing things), or something else. As for the second option, my Peter is from an AU where Future-Gabriel refused to teach Peter how to use his intuitive aptitude in season three and that led to everything being fairly different overall...

Comment here or on this screened post if interested!

[info]evaline_tripp in [info]fandom_psls

Fruits Basket!

I would love to do a Fruits Basket game with someone dedicated and creative!

I would like to do something fun and... totally destroy canon. That is, this is a Fruits Basket-based game, but all of the characters are our own. We can say that it is 80+ years into the future when all of the other animals have died off and there is a new God, new Cat, etc. I'd love to play against someone playing the cat, since I do love Kyo - although the story of this cat would be totally up to you. We can split up the zodiac members accordingly between the two of us!

I play females against males, and males against males. I have a hard time playing a male against a female - it's just not that enjoyable for me. I'll do it if I must, but I expect a great deal of fairness!

ALTERNATIVELY I am willing to do a canon Fruits Basket game but keep in mind, as I said, that I love the cat (hint) and that I prefer playing females against males, or males against males!

[info]omega4relay in [info]fandom_psls

Would love a few Mass Effect lines! Any game!

[info]noblexcompanion in [info]fandom_psls

Total long shot...

So, this is one of those niggling ideas that won't go away, even after you've slept on it. Basically, the idea stuck in my head for such a long time now is that the Doctor mindwipes Donna and dumps her back home, leaving her to get on with her old, boring life, but for some reason he can't seem to stay away; so he starts hanging around places he knows she might be – pub, supermarket, office, that kind of thing. But his superslickninja skills aren't up to much, and she soon catches on to him – only not; because she thinks this man is John Smith – the man who was at her house on that oh so weird day.

Either way, they start spending time together, having fun, just like old times (only without all the adventure and without Donna knowing the truth). Anyway, she starts having dreams about the man in the box, and starts to feel guilty because then she's not sure if her new found feeling for John are true or because he reminds her of the man in her dreams.

It’s just like Rio with Jem/Jerrica – only not. *shot*

[info]hollowayjoan in [info]fandom_psls

Could be a bit of a long shot, but I would love to do some kind of cross-over psl with my Joan here (from Mad Men) against Ike Evans (from Magic City). I also wouldn't mind just playing an oc/pb against him (I have a list of faces I like to use kicking around somewhere) or even an oc/pb against an oc/pb using Jeffrey Dean Morgan's face. I'm only looking for lines done via threading, but spam posts can be used for some interaction, though I prefer to write scenes.

[info]iceisback in [info]fandom_psls

Hello! I'm part of a second-gen X-men GPSL and am looking for someone to play this guy's wife. They'd have been married about five years and have a couple kids together. I can give power, parent, and PB suggestions but am ultimately more interested in seeing the role filled by an active writer than I am the specifics. Thanks!

[info]youngchampion in [info]fandom_psls

Seeking lines for my Harry Potter also lines for my Scorpius Malfoy. I've missed playing these two characters in active lines that would actually go somewhere without ending so quickly. If interested I'd love to talk about it possibly being dark/light so leave somewhere I can reach you.

[info]dreamsofalife in [info]fandom_psls

Any Repo! The Genetic Opera characters looking to fill a Shilo-shaped hole in their lives? I'd love to help fill it!

[info]anddwyer in [info]fandom_psls

Parks and Recreation lines....

I'll play any male against any female. Or a femme line with females against females!

Or if you prefer...

The Office lines. More then willing to try that as well with the same premise as before.

May 2024



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