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Feb. 8th, 2025



Feb. 5th, 2025


January felt like forever, now February is here and I've got- at the very least- bronchitis. And a heck of a lot of fatigue. It doesn't help that our temperatures have been jumping wildly from day to day- highs of 35 then 67 then 40 then 65. 🫠

But I've been writing a lot more and I'm genuinely enthusiastic about my characters and my lines and it's just..nice. I know a lot of it's an escape from..everything else going on in the world, but I'll take it.


Layout: Furiously

Two Column (Sidebar on Left) | [info]tess107

Layout + Guide + Info )

Feb. 4th, 2025


Info Code: Urban Decay

Code + Guide + Info )


Roster: Urban Decay

Code + Guide + Info )


Biosheet: Urban Decay

Code + Guide + Info )


2025 / 1 / Storygraph.

Inspired by [info]paczki and [info]moontiara, here is my January reads! Please feel free to add me at isojem

Jan 2025 reads )

I was hanging on to GoodReads because of their GoodReads yearly challenge, but now since they've changed it so you a) can no longer see how far or behind you are on your goodreads challenge b) can't see other people's goodreads challenges I'm like, WHY. Also, fuck Amazon.

With importing books over from GoodReads to Storygraph - I'm kind of ugh because on the one hand I want to have my read books ported over (especially in terms of challenge years), but I'm like, I have a fuckton of messy shelves and books added as to read or whatever that I no longer stand by and want to stand fresh on. And I know it's like, 'one and done' with the goodreads important thing so I'm hesitant of messing around with it. IDK, does anyone who has done GR>Storygraph have any thoughts on this?


Feb. 2nd, 2025




Dollie | Patreon & Gumroad Bundle

Hi Barbie! We've got a huge new bundle, available via Patreon subscription or my Gumroad store! 💖
Patreon Subscription | Standalone Purchase

Jan. 31st, 2025


Wedding Bells

Something borrowed, something blue...something like that. Give me one of your characters and one of mine and I will write you a short drabble (around 100 words) of what a marriage proposal could be like for them! Feel free to pick a current ship, complete crack, or even one we've played or discussed that out and I'll do a variation of sorts.


Alternate Reality

Give me a character(s) and an AU idea for them/their ship. I'll give you a short drabble.


Media Meme

Give me one (or more) of my characters, and I'll give you some songs that are found on their music players OR books that are found on their shelves OR movies that are found in their Netflix queue.


Texts from Last Night

Give me one of your characters and one of mine, and I will give you their top Texts From Last Night!


from me to you

Name a character of mine and one of yours and I will tell you about their relationship from my character's perspective. I'll tell you what my character really thinks of yours, what they could never bring themselves to say, etc.


Six word stories

Comment here with one or more of our pairings (past, present, or pending), and I will write you a drabble in six words. It will either be six words exactly, or several six-word lines.



Comment with one of my characters, past/present. I'll reply to you with:

5 icons that I feel best represent them
4 icons I don't use often enough
3 icons that best represent my character's feelings towards yours
2 icons that are my favorites
1 icon that doesn't really fit the character, but I can't live without


Birds & the Bees

Name one of my chars and I'll fill out the following for them:

- Does your character believe in true love or soul mates? Love at first sight?
- Are they or have they ever been in love?
- What are their general feelings about sex?
- How do they feel about sex without love?
- What about sex before marriage?
- What counts as cheating and is cheating forgivable?
- Have they or would they ever cheat?
- Are they a virgin?
- First partner? Most recent?
- What sort of experience do they have with sex?
- How comfortable are they with their body?
- With their partner's body?
- Who gave them "The Talk"?
- Post-sex habits? Weird habits?


Food: A Meme

Comment with one of my characters and I will answer the following questions:
1. What is their favorite food?
2. What is their favorite fast food restaurant?
3. Can they cook? How well?
4. What is their favorite kind of food to cook? (Desserts, a certain ethnicity, etc.)
5. What is the one thing that's likely to be in their fridge at all times?


Color me amused

You give me a pairing (or just one character) and a color, and I'll give you a sentence.


Kiss and tell...

Give me a character of yours and a character of mine and I’ll (do my best to) tell you about one time they kiss.

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