April 22nd, 2012

[info]areyouoneofthem in [info]fandom_psls

Smut line ahoy, Sherlock BBC please. )

[info]changlorious in [info]fandom_psls

check the journal!

[info]balflear in [info]fandom_psls

[info]midgarmods FF7 based gpsl. We have two open spots and plenty of plot to offer. Tseng is in high demand, and our XII players would like to see Penelo and Ashe. Other wanted characters here.

[info]hookhanded in [info]fandom_psls

Peter-Pan Neverland based game, [info]savagegarden needs pirates, fae, and townspeople ranging from shop owners, metal workers, to prostitutes. If you have it, we'll probably make a home for it.

[info]wonder in [info]fandom_psls

I just got back from watching Titanic 3D and I'd really love to write an AU storyline where they both survive. More specifically, I want to explore the life they'd have together if Rose abandoned her mother and fiance to enter Jack's world. I don't want this to be an easy fairytale, however! Dreaming about living from day-to-day is a lot different than actually doing it, and Rose would have a lot of adapting to do. In addition, since their time together was short and filled with natural disasters and sabotage, there were more pressing things to worry about than general interpersonal conflicts, but any couple will inevitably have problems if they live together. Does Rose's inner aristocrat make her do haughty things that Jack finds off-putting? Poverty was especially tough in that era, so there are bound to be some things about Jack's lifestyle that she'll have trouble with? Does Jack's ease in making female friends (and finding female models) make Rose jealous? Basically, I want to contrast their perfect dream with the imperfect reality. So please be up for some angst to go with the romance!

Threading only and I'll play either.

May 2024



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