May 14th, 2024

[info]boom_boom_pow in [info]fandom_psls


I'm feeling super nostalgic for some classic X-Men PSLs. It's been ages since I even logged into this journal. I have NOT watched the new X-Men 97... yet. I have plans. I am well versed in all the Marvel comics. I have been having some issues keeping up with EVERYTHING on Disney+ so my knowledge of any of those shows is slightly limited. I am good at winging it, though. We can pull from different universes - or create a world of our own. I love world building. ^_^

I have other X-Men characters, but Tabitha has been begging to come out and play for a while.

Comment here or in the journal! I can put together a custom for us.

[info]cleopatras in [info]fandom_psls

can I please find arthur for a real weird dynamic, verna for…a real weird dynamic of a different kind, and roderick for, well you get it. psl or panfandom game, comment for more info!

[info]to_where in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone have a character they'd like to play against a Ginny Weasley, Ginny Potter, or Ginny Weasley post-Potter? I'd highly enjoy exploring AU situations. (I could rant here, but I'm not overly fond of the timeline of Ginny's career that she was given post-book canon. I'm not against playing her opposite Harry, but there would definitely need to be a few changes there.)

Alternatively, I'd love to give a go at something for Kady Orloff-Diaz of The Magicians. (Tl;dr, Harry Potter as adults in America. Arguably terrible show, but it was such a great cast with such potential for the characters...) It could be a fellow cast member or it could be cross-canon. She'd work great in the MCU, in my opinion, if one wanted to write a stronger-willed character write opposite her. (She could easily get swapped into Strange's place through a magical incident.) I'm open to other fandoms, though, as long as it's reasonable and a fandom I'm comfortable with or trying.

More about me and my playing preferences here, but feel free to ask any questions for clarity as desired.

June 2024



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