January 5th, 2011

[info]madeupofstars in [info]fandom_psls

Hey guys! Most of my PSLs have died on me, and I'm looking for some new ones! I'm looking for a Doctor (fobwatched or no) to play against Rose Tyler, Amy Pond, Nyssa of Traken, or Ace. I'm also totally up for human!AUs, and I've got some plot ideas, depending on the Doctor I get (Any are alright, although I'm not much for Four or Six.)
- Whatever companion specifically working to help fight the silence.
- Amy->River Song
- Young River Song (PB'd by Imogen Poots, mostly because of this.
- Rose ending up back in the TARDIS when she's 25.
- Rose when she's 19 ending up in Eleven's TARDIS
- Ace being a Time Lord (canon! ... sort of.) and walking wounded from the Time War
- Nyssa and any of them, really, although I ♥ her and Five.

I also play / have: Kaylee Frye that I'd love to see against a good Simon Tam or Mal Reynolds
Jubilee to play against Gambit or Wolverine
And the rest of mine are over here: [info]madeupofstars

Just drop me a comment! \o/ I have tons of plot, just need someone to implement it with.

A tiny bit about me: 26. Mostly plays at night, although I tag a couple of times during the day. Journal or email threading only, written prose only, highish grammatical standards (Capitalize, please!). Plot via AIM, generally chatty about plot or lines or what I had for lunch, if you're looking for that sort of thing via AIM. Likes drama and dark things (because that's the only way you can see the light!). In general, looking for het, although I'm not against slash. Super flexible. :D
X-Posted to [info]pslads

[info]ariadne_b in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking to fill this Inception PSL idea. Idea details and details about me are in the linked journal entry.

[info]euclid in [info]fandom_psls

Hullo, people! I was looking to possibly fill a few Harry Potter lines as I have a violent urge to play the following characters:
Gellert Grindelwald: Mainly against an Albus Dumbledore - slash or just plain good old gen. I'd love to either explore their time together when younger or perhaps a slightly au meeting some years later when Gellert is starting his career as a Big Bad and Albus is... slightly less ginger? (The latter could be interesting as an epistolary RP, too.)

Scorpius Malfoy: Against Albus Severus, Rose Weasley, James II, anyone else from Next gen. Could be romantic (slash/het) or gen, at Hogwarts, after Hogwarts. I'm also open to going all wibbly wobbly timey wimey and throwing him together with a character from another era.

Regulus Black: Against Death eaters, Sirius, Bella, Narcissa, James, Remus and about anyone else. Romantic (slash/het) or gen, probably a bit morose, full of conflict and dysfunction. At Hogwarts or during the First war both would be smashing.

George Weasley: Against Angelina Johnson. Post-Second war. Coping, general difficulty surrounding the death of Fred and how this all came to result in them getting married.

Oliver Wood: Against Percy Weasley or Marcus Flint. Slash, in Hogwarts or after Hogwarts.

Remus Lupin: Against one or all the Marauders (possible group psl? I'd love to play out the aftermath of The Prank), Severus, OC werewolf characters, but no Tonks, please. Slash, gen, het are all cool. I would prefer playing him out of Hogwarts, possibly during or a few years after the First War, but in school works as well.
I am open to playing them against other people as well, those were just the first ones I came up with! I also have a (quite under construction-y, but more extensive) list of other HP characters I play in my journal, as well as a few other fandoms I wouldn't mind trying out!

[info]mabby in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play Andrew Lee Potts, Karl Urban, or Jason Behr?

Will play het or slash against any of them in a psl.

[info]hanginbyamoment in [info]fandom_psls

I am bored to TEARS and would love to find some new psls if I can!

In the mood for:

Harry Potter
Marauder's Era-Remus, James
Trio Era-Ron, Hermione, Draco

Bella, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Jacob

Ichigo, Renji, Yumichika, Hitsugaya, Kisuke, Byakuya (maybe XD)

Also open to original lines and characters, if you have an idea just throw it at me.


[info]smmrs in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in a True Blood/Buffy crossover? I've been dying to write Buffy against Eric for ages and have a couple ideas.

May 2024



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