May. 23rd, 2010


Journal Entry: Public

I am extending the invitation to all to be my partner to the dancing event.

I am very bad with my English and I would need someone very skilled with the speaking to be going with me.

I will not say no to Beuxbatons. Many people say good things about the French.

What else?

I am charming, yes? I will bring flowers. And I am not hard to look at.

Also, I am very skilled with the British words and the slinging of them.

May. 22nd, 2010


Journal // Viewable to Students

So I see there is announcing in regard to a ball. A dance. Who wishes to for me to take them to this dance?


Interested parties should fill this out, s'il vous plait.

1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you attractive?
4. Rate your kissing skills from proper to improper.
5. Do you smell badly?
6. Do you have bad breath?
7. Will you fetch the drinks or do you require them to be fetched for you?
8. Can you dance?
9. Can you dance well?
10. Can Remy I grab your butt while dancing?

Apr. 21st, 2010


Journal // Viewable to All

So, just over a week before we arrive at Hogwarts. Who is excited?

Already they are preparing the Abraxan for the journey.

Apr. 3rd, 2010


Journal // Viewable to all students


I am the next Tri-Wizard champion from Beauxbatons. There is no point in holding this contest now. I have won already.

I am still going to journey to Hogwarts because I wish to meet foreign students and travel.

My name is Remy Deville, but you may call me 'Awesome'.