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Jun. 1st, 2010


Journal // Public (viewable to all)

So ... officially off the team.

Mum and Miss Legard took me out on the pitch this afternoon to see how I handled flying. Going up was all right, but doing anything once I got up was kind of like jabbing myself with a dozen hot daggers, right in the middle. Who knew almost dying came with a months-long recovery period?

That being said, I'm throwing my support to my favorite cousins' house. I am staunchly in the field of black and yellow to support the amazing Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Good luck this weekend.

May. 30th, 2010


Owl: Severus Snape

Mr Snape,

Thank you for saving my life and I'm very sorry to have invaded your home like we did. I'd like to promise it won't happen again, but I wasn't the one who brought us there, so you'll have to talk to my grandmother about that. Don't be too hard on her though, right?

Lily Luna Potter

May. 29th, 2010


Owl to LilyLu


I hope you are well. I escaped with only a few bruises, though one of my school mates is in grim condition and I have heard tell that some others are in critical condition as well.

I do not wish to bother you and I know you are probably busy with your family, but it would be nice to hear back to make sure you are okay.


May. 27th, 2010


Journal // Private to Tom


How has your week been? Settling in all right? No one's giving you too hard a time, right?

So I was wondering, if you'd like to be my date for the Yule Ball? It's not until Christmas, so you've got time to think about it if you'd like. It can even be a just as friends thing.

Either way, let me know.

[Stricken out Saturday evening.]

May. 24th, 2010


Journal // Private to self

Also visible in the journal Fenrir has. Like everything else she writes or is privated to her. XD

In which she rants )

May. 21st, 2010


Journal // Viewable to Cousins, Siblings, Marauders

So ...

... Dad's got the map back. Pretty sure mum was behind it. 'parently they officially announced Tom's coming to school for certain, this weekend, I guess.

May. 20th, 2010


Journal // Viewable to Students

So, who thinks Bellatrix was behind all the Marks?

Right? Because she was all obsessed with him.

And who else would be setting them off near MY HOUSE where MY FATHER lives?

Private to Jamie

Is everything okay? Is dad going mad? Should tell him I'm fine and haven't gotten into any trouble.

May. 19th, 2010


Journal // Viewable to Cousins, Siblings, Marauders

Also viewable in the journal Sterling got for Fenrir

Holy shit you guys.

You'll never guess who's back now. I thought it was impossible. Dad said it was impossible. But he's back. Tom Riddle. The bloke who grows up to be Voldemort.

May. 18th, 2010


Journal // Visible to Students

Since Quidditch practice and homework has completely taken over my life, does anyone else know what date the Yule Ball is set for? Has it been announced yet? Because the dress robes I brought with me are absolute rubbish and I very much need someone to accompany me as I see what Hogsmade has to offer in terms of less-rubbishy things to wear.

I know there's probably at least one more Hogsmade weekend before the Ball's set anyway, but there's nothing wrong with getting a head start, right?

ANYWAY. Shopping's no fun alone, so in exchange for an hour or two of your time accompanying me, I will get you anything you want from WWW or Honeydukes. You know, within reason. I'm not made of galleons or anything. Anyone interested in tagging along now?

Oh, speaking of the ball, anyone have a date yet?

May. 14th, 2010


Journal Entry // Viewable to Students

So, congratulations to the champions I guess

What do the rest of you foreign students do now that the champion's been chosen? Just hang around here and offer them moral support or something?

Guess you can all relax, right? Since there's no pressure to win a tournament on you.

Also, I'm bored if anyone wanted to entertain me.

May. 9th, 2010


Journal Entry // Viewable to students


I would like to see the lake. My problem is I cannot find my way out of the castle. I think I am walking in circles or perhaps very complicated squares.

Can anyone assist me?

May. 8th, 2010


Journal Entry: Viewable to all

Albus Severus Potter, if you don't enter the tournament (and win, of course) I will find a way to make mum and dad disown you.

Apr. 8th, 2010


Journal // Viewable to ALL students & out of school family

Guess who Gryffindor's new seeker is?

Go ahead.


Apr. 5th, 2010


Journal: Viewable to All

Right, if anyone happens across my journal, let me know? This would be the third one I've misplaced and I can't imagine Meg appreciates me swiping hers all the time.

At least until I can get a new one, if anyone has a spare?

Apr. 4th, 2010


Journal // Visible to Students

Right then.

So I've been doing a lot of catching up on the last 40 years (during which I've been dead, for those not following along) and it's come to my attention that I must have really good genes or something, given that it was my spawn that went and became The Chosen One who defeated the Darkest Dark Lord of the century.

Now. I don't know about the rest of you, but the writing's pretty clear to me about how to proceed from here. Obviously, I need to spawn further.

Not right now, obviously, given that I still have classes and endless catching up, but perhaps soon. I don't know - technically I wasn't there the first time I spawned as Lily was so kind to point out to me so I'm not really certain how to proceed. I'm welcome to thoughts and opinions on the matter.

Also - remember: despite what you may hear, Sirius Black did not spawn a Chosen One. Let's back the winning horse here, students.

Apr. 3rd, 2010


Journal // Visible to All Students and Jamie

Right, you prats.

They said you lot can come up and visit me tomorrow. Later today. I'm not sure. Whatever Sunday is. Professor Bell's supposed to be in to check on me again.

I'm fine, thank you for asking.

Apr. 1st, 2010


Journal // Viewable to all students and Jamie

Tristan streaked on the train. He was wearing a mask, and trainers, and that was it.

I think I'm scarred for life.

Wonder how many detentions he'll get for it.

Mar. 31st, 2010


Journal Entry // Viewable to Students

Oh yuck. Did you guys see that article in the Prophet last night? About the presumed werewolf attacks? Poor dad, having to deal with all that.

On a more cheerful note, who's excited for school? Isn't that kind of sick to say, excited for school? But I've only got one more year of potions to go before I can drop it. Dunno why Lily's taking it voluntarily. Yugh. She told me to behave in the class, if you can even imagine.

Going out for quidditch this year. Since Jamie's not there, we have to have a Potter on the team, right?


Mar. 26th, 2010


Journal Entry: Viewable to Lily Luna and Albus Severus

What's going on back home? Dad sent an owl saying I shouldn't linger too long in Ireland after the match, but wouldn't say why. Mentioned I wouldn't believe him if he wrote it.

I have three guesses:

1. I have been elected King of all Wizarding kind and must return home quickly to take up my throne. Of course, I certainly would believe this so I don't really think it's the case.

2. Al got himself a girlfriend and needs my expertise and sage advice to keep her.

3. Dad tried to cook dinner and burned down the house.

Let me know which one is right!

Mar. 24th, 2010


Journal // Private to Hugo and Meghan


I found the map. Jamie's map? I found it in my dad's office.

I wasn't --

Okay, I totally was snooping for something else. I overheard mum talking about the pitch being closed at school and wanted to know why but of course Dad knew I was listening so he shushed her, and so I went to see if there was anything in his office,


So of course I nicked it.

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June 2010



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