May 23rd, 2010

[info]emerald_eyes in [info]extra_pages

Journal // Private to Self

You were a child forgot // Lessons of love untaught // Now no embrace can quite replace // The one that never found you )

[info]vots_up in [info]extra_pages

Journal Entry: Public

I am extending the invitation to all to be my partner to the dancing event.

I am very bad with my English and I would need someone very skilled with the speaking to be going with me.

I will not say no to Beuxbatons. Many people say good things about the French.

What else?

I am charming, yes? I will bring flowers. And I am not hard to look at.

Also, I am very skilled with the British words and the slinging of them.

[info]star_student in [info]extra_pages

Journal Entry: Public

Now that we have a few in Slytherin House alone who have returned and several more in Gryffindor, it seems like it may become inconvenient to only put the task of playing tutor on the Ravenclaw House. Everyone has their studies and I'm sure not everyone in Ravenclaw is a tutor or has time during convenient points in everyone's schedules.

So I'm planning a little study group for anyone interested. Consider it a catch-up course sans the Ravenclaw tutors. Anyone interested in participating should let me know here to plan a time and place. Any suggested topics for a first meeting are also welcome.

If nothing else, maybe we can establish, as trite as it may seem, House study-buddies for each one of our returned guests. I'm sure every one of them has taken steps on their own that are similar, but it's never amiss to extend a helping hand, is it?

- Aries

[info]said_the_otter in [info]extra_pages

Owls: Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Harry Potter

To her Daughter )

To her Son )

To Harry )

[info]not_an_orphan in [info]extra_pages

Journal // Viewable to Remus, James I, Sirius, Leif, Hans

Full's on Thursday night so I thought I'd run down the usual procedures for our furry foreign friends.

We'll meet at Hagrid's hut around dark. If you need help finding it, anyone can point it out to you - preferably sometime before the moon.

James and Sirius will be coming out with us, and if you have any animagus friends that you usually run with that are here, you're welcome to invite them out.

We'll be running in the forest, and the paths should be pretty well scent-marked. There are a lot of things in the forest that it's best not to fuck with, but you'll smell those trails, too.

Professor Stirling will be handing out the Wolfsbane potion before we head out, so make sure you get a dose from him. I don't think anyone's inclined to spend our playtime fighting down a mindless wolf, right?

If anyone wants to plan any games, I'm all ears. We usually play variations of pounce-chase-tag, but hey. If you guys have something else that you play, we'll try anything once, right?

I suppose its' a good thing there's no girl wolves, huh? Wouldn't want anyone to get all self conscious while we're all standing around naked in the cold, cold air.

Now there's an image ...

[info]bittersnark in [info]extra_pages

Owl: Bellatrix Lestrange

Severus rolled the bright red apple around in his hands thoughtfully. As much as he might wish otherwise, he knew that Bellatrix was no fool. Killing her was going to take patience. He would have to build up to it, lull her into a false sense of security, let her think him pathetically obvious so that he could then strike when she least expected it.

He held the apple up. This step appealed to him since he knew she wouldn't appreciate the irony but Lily would when he told her. What was Bellatrix if not a wicked witch from a Muggle tale? He smirked and placed the apple into the padded box he'd prepared then tucked the associated letter in with it. If the letter caused a little bit of dissension in the ranks then he would take that as well though he wasn't counting on it.

Owl to Bellatrix Lestrange )

[info]bat_bogeys in [info]extra_pages

Owl: Harry Potter

Are we at all against the idea of sending her to France?

Rose said she's fairly certain LilyLu's been speaking with him.

I don't know what else to do, if we haven't gotten through to her.