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Jul. 19th, 2010


Spoilers: Episode 1000

Brief backstage story on AWZ's episode 1000.

Here's wot: )

Jul. 13th, 2010


Pimping the backstage

Yo Eskimos, be sure to check out the new vids on There's a goodbye vid with Silvia Maleen (looking stunning), Michael N. Kuehl welcoming new cast member Christoph Humnig, and today, Norman Kalle and Nina Bott dishing out sparkles and gelato. We're not going to sub them because being totalitarian overlords and pre-emptively plotting our Raising Arizona-style escape from the Pen is taking up all our time, but you all know German by now, J/J?



It's official - Julia Augustin returns to AWZ on 10 August.

Julia spent the last year and a half travelling but returns to AWZ for a momentous occasion Chez Steinkamps. Vanessa (who isn't much like Julia, she says, apart from the fact that they're both impulsive and snarky), who has been studying medicine in Boston, will soon find out that not much has changed at home - her father forgets to pick her up from the airport, and her relationship with her mother is still very strained.

Vanessa has grown up a bit but still stands up for her ideals, says Julia. She was thrilled to be back at the set and everyone was happy to see her again. She was very nervous on her first day back but quickly settled back in. Since Vanessa comes back specifically for a landmark plot (hello ep 1000!), expect much excitement and chaos.

<33333333333333333333333333 JULIA!

Jun. 25th, 2010


The great AWZ exodus of 2010 continues...

...and this one's a seriously hard blow for the Igloo :(

Silvia Maleen seeks a change of scene and is leaving AWZ.

We were all set to abduct her and keep her in a forest cabin and feed her strawberries and never let her leave (even if Jenny and Marian break up another 317 times), but then Det. Koch called and apparently that's a crime or something. Spoilsport, that Det. Koch.

But but but... SILVIA! :( Crying bitter tears here. We even put on mascara specially for this occasion so we could be properly soot-cheeked in our grief :(

Show definitely won't be the same without her.

Here's the translation of Silvia's leaving interview )

Jun. 9th, 2010


Something Happens... and Things Will Really Change This Time

Sad times for inappropriate shipping: AWZ's very own sparkly Dr. Oliver (and the loveliest actor who ever failed at cryptic) is leaving Show.

Norman Kalle wants to spend more time with his girlfriend (well, we suppose that's allowed, Norman, I mean, if you must be tacky and insist on having, like, a LIFE) and seek out new acting challenges. His last day of shooting is in mid-July, and like Nina Bott, he'll last appear on AWZ's screens in mid-September. In typical, endearing Norman fashion, he fails at being coy about the fact that Celine and Oliver leave at the same time: "Céline and Oliver are good friends in the show. They take turns leaning on each other's shoulders. And like it's in that song, 'touched you a thousand times, nothing happened a thousand times' - who knows what it'll be like the thousand and first time."

Way to crunch down on the new sparkly canon Marian/Oliver with the dullest ship that never sailed, Show.

Jun. 5th, 2010


Casting news

News about the blonde cook: Nina Bott takes the fish and leaves Alles was zählt

Please please please please please let her go out in zombie attack!

May. 29th, 2010


"I'm allowed to constantly kiss Igor"

No, not me, sadly. That's what Dennis told when he and Timo were interviewed.

Aldi's doing RL stuff tonight (huh? what's that?) so I'm teaming up with LEO to bring you a very very rough idea of what they talked about. Basically... )


(Keep in mind, peeps, lest this picture deceive you: Marc is not hot!!)

May. 6th, 2010


Potentially exciting news - Vanessa Who?

Does anyone remember this person?


According to her agency, Julia Augustin will be shooting for AWZ from June through August.


*runs around squealing like a mad thing*

There hasn't been any other official news yet, but I'll keep my eyes peeled. If this is true, it would be so fucking awesome!!!

(Thanks to the folks at AWZ Fanpage for spotting this!)

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