Sep. 21st, 2010


Update – Coming back soon to a YouTube channel near you!

First of all, thanks to all of you who have been patient and supportive during our vacation. It's meant so much to us. You guys are absolute stars!

Unsurprisingly, addicts can't stay away from their crack for too long, so we're planning to resume EKP uploads this weekend (Saturday 25 September) and start catching up on episodes. We've missed subbing, crazy shenanigans in the Igloo and commentspam, so we're very excited to be back!

Here's Wot's Wot: )

May. 27th, 2010


Drama helps ratings -- who knew?!

One of the things that's endlessly amusing about the DERO 4EVAH people is when they decry Show for losing audience because they're breaking up the precious couple. What are the writers thinking?!!!

I'm pretty sure they're thinking that they've got a hell of a story here. )

May. 8th, 2010


Screw the censors - Show, you win at life.

Okay, so I assume most of you have heard about the idiocy with the censors hitting ep 924 of AWZ. I'm not sure I've done quite enough ranting about the utter fail of censoring love scenes when graphic violence and other ickness is just fine and dandy. Apparently teenagers snorting coke, Max trying to give a blowjob to a gun or Rocky ripping Annette's blouse open can be aired at 7pm without any problem, but god forbid we see two people who love each other expressing it physically. And unless there was frontal nudity in the cut bits -- which I very much doubt -- nobody can tell me that it was NOT because of the gay. Because as far as tangling and nakedness and thrusting goes, there've been more explicit scenes with Lena/Max, Richard/Celine and Jenny/Marian on numerous occasions. (POOL SEX. BRAIN BLEACH!)


(LOL, BILD are such trashy liars. Their headline actually claims it was a threesome. WE WISH, DUDES!)

For the record, this is a shot from the cut scene... )