Feb. 11th, 2012


AWZ Today: What The Actual Fuck.

You guys, I need to rant for a sec. See, I don't even watch Current Crap Show, but I still follow spoilers because... because... IDEK, because I'm a twat, I suppose.

The good news: I don't give a rat's arse about Deniz being anvil-chained to Stella 2.0 Beegirl Whossface Sarah Wendt by the bonds of conveniently degayed plot recycling true love. It's so far into the realms of ridic that I honestly don't even care. It's not Deniz; it's Some Dude who bears a vague resemblance. Fine by me.

The bad news: I am all RAAAAAH GODZILLARAGE about CCS's craptastic handling of a very sensitive subject in Ben & Katja's current, hair-tearingly stupid storyline. And it bugs me because I really really wish I could just ignore that too. But gaaaah OMGWTFBBQ. (contains spoilers if anyone cares) )

Sep. 8th, 2011


Wow, faily spoilerfail is faily: Episode 1291

Not really a spoiler post. More of a discussion/rant/eyerolling post? Whatever. But here there be spoilers, or at least one.

Bring your own puke bucket, ours are already full )

Apr. 18th, 2011


Episode 1163

Ben prangert Meyerhoff öffentlich an. Annette hält es ohne Ingo nicht aus. Deniz macht Roman eine öffentliche Liebeserklärung.

Early, I know, but - shock, horror, gasp - I have stuff to say, so... )

Apr. 8th, 2011


Episode 1156

Deniz kann sich nach der wilden Party an nichts mehr erinnern. Tom konfrontiert Annette mit ihrem angeblichen One-Night-Stand. Isabelle fühlt sich von der ganzen Welt verlassen.

More )

Apr. 7th, 2011


Episode 1155

Vanessa erwischt Tom mit einer anderen im Bett. Deniz' Party gerät außer Kontrolle. Katja ist trotz Rückschlägen entschlossen, die Deutsche Meisterschaft zu gewinnen.

More )

Feb. 23rd, 2011



Spoilers about Deniz and Roman. LOLOL Sorry, can't stop giggling. Thanks [info]aldiara! *mwah*

Spoilers )

ETA: Now with pictures. For more spoilers and pictures, follow this link.