November 14th, 2010

[info]aldiara in [info]eskimo_kiss

Youngest Öztürk brother casting news! [This post contains high doses of crack]

I could make a topic to discuss plot and character development on Show, but that would take up all of 2 seconds and zero comments. Instead, allow me to interrupt our regular schedule of boring spoilers and... currently nothing else, for a very important announcement:

The following things have been decided by Eskimo committee:

1. Twilight entirely sucks, except for Jacob's abs;
2. AWZ kinda sucks at the moment too;
3. Something needs to happen;
4. ????

Deniz's long-missing brother, who has never been mentioned since the 250s, will come to fictional Essen soon. He will be a delinquent youth more bratty than Deniz ever was and will be played by, erm, Taylor Lautner.




New little Öztürk will regrettably speak no German because he grew up in, erm, Turkey. Or Canada. Or Peru. OR HE IS MUTE. WHATEVER. IT COULD BE POIGNANT. Work with us here.

By this point Deniz will also be in cop school, which will lead to all sorts of conflicts of loyalty given his little brother's criminal tendencies. Hot angry shouting matches will ensue. Roman and Florian will join in. Everyone will be shirtless for these because... because... because the heater broke and the entire building will be, uhm, sweltering. Yes.

And then there will be an AWZ crack week in which everyone is a vampire. JUST BECAUSE.

You are hereby cordially invited to expand this scenario to your liking in the comments. Alternatively, we could talk about how evil Izzie is with her evil doping of innocent Katja, except if you try, I will totally ban you from this comm. LA LA LA.

ETA: Young Öztürk will also need a name. All suggestions welcome! I'll start us off with Yakup. It's Turkish (Or Something) for Jacob because I'm original like that. Tadaaaaaa! GIMME SOMETHING BETTER.

Disclaimer: If you take any of this seriously or start a howlstorm of agony/outrage/blissful squee about how Taylor Lautner is actually going to act on a German soap now, we will point and laugh and laugh and laugh.