April 27th, 2010

[info]spaghettitoes in [info]eskimo_kiss

Episode 915: Self Esteem

I am abusing IJ to make up for my reverse alarm clock and considering the battle I had with YT comment limits last night it seems as good a time as any to try this out!  I happily declare this is all just my opinion and I tend to over analyse things :)   


So I commented last night that Marc is playing on Roman’s self-esteem and amongst the various points that were discussed I kind of lost my focus.  So I’ll try again :)


In his conversation with Annette, Roman touches on the fact that Marc believes he is capable of the co-producing show and that Marc thinks he’s capable of it.  This set off alarm bells in my head because to me it’s a clear sign that in their dynamic Roman, who has never been known for being swathed him self-esteem and having a multitude of observant and supportive friends, is being manipulated by Marc.  He’s clearly playing to his concerns about his job and achievements and pushing the idea of having the dreams of his youth.  This, because roman is naturally a self-conscious person, is playing to his ego; denying that he’d lost anything to age (a demon he really had to fight with the doping s/l) and that he’s able to do something very different and very big in no time (I doubt Marc immediately moved into producing ice shows, even to an experienced skater there’s a lot of new managerial aspects you need to learn). 


While Marc pushes this ideal on Roman the people who really care about him, Deniz and Annette, are trying to keep him grounded, not see him give up something real that he’s worked hard on (the pain and drama of the long distance relationship so Roman could be a trainer, working to get Katja on a team) for what could be an unrealistic dream.  And I’m sorry, correct me but how desperate a dream can this be that we’ve never heard any suggestions of it until Marc reminded him.  When he gave up skating he thought about it for a while but I don’t recall a ‘lets put on an ice show’ s/l (and they’ve done one before so there’s scope that it’s something the Steinkamps would have considered a feasible investment).


I’m not saying Marc’s consciously going after this aspect of his personality but that’s how his approach is affecting Roman and how it could be effective and that’s bothering me.  But not like you think :P!  (and I’ll wear my colours clearly: although I enjoy the shake-up I ultimately think Roman and Deniz should and will be together).  The thing is, one could make RoMa work and have the fans like it (!!!) if approached properly but this change, this offer, shows Marc being unreasonable and actively pursuant of Roman and manipulative of the relationship.  Which, to my mind, creates an imbalance in their overall dynamic.  Personally I’d be happy if this meant that ultimately Roman and Deniz are together and happy but it’ll leave Marc more damaged and unhappy….or if Show tries to push this unequal RoMa on us it’ll forever feel wrong and at risk from future threats.


I’ll assume everyone read the original discussion between Lil, Aldi and I about the job offer and why I think it’s unreasonable but if not, or you want me to explain myself further (and in more than 500characters :P) just make a comment with the title “Job Offer” because I think it is a separate stream, we were just side-tracked by it last night.


Oh and just FYI (if you're interested) The Reverse Alarm Clock: My wireless internet router is set to power down at midnight, forcing me to stop and actually sleep and maintain some semblance of a respectable life.  So weeknights I am apt to leave mid-conversation :P
Dear Mods: I wasn't sure with the tags (or the episode number :/ it was midnight!) but tried :)


I will now go and remind myself this is a SOAP!

[info]aldiara in [info]eskimo_kiss

Spoilers: Episodes 943-946

Don't get too excited, y'all. Show is all about the pleasure-delay. (Pain-delay? Either way, this week sounds a dud.)

...and CELINE CRIES. )