June 10th, 2009

[info]matches_the_car in [info]escapemechanism

All of Long Beach with no Smokeys. I'm far more tempted than I should be ...
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[info]speak_his_name in [info]escapemechanism

It is a very good thing I have managed to keep my temper over the years or this would be extremely trying.

To be killed only to be revived in a world without Him and then tossed into all this with the childish face of my former self staring at me ... it's enough to make one rather cross, all things considered.

[info]ex_luckbeala72 in [info]escapemechanism

Hey, Scott and Emma, we should have dinner or something, so we can feel free to foist the kids on you.

[info]upon_my_return in [info]escapemechanism

Not Grimmauld

So, woke up this morning on a couch that wasn't mine. Wasn't Lils. Wasn't the hospital. Had this little Muggle device right next to me going on about being saved from death.

Little late for that, yeah?

Does anyone else have any better idea of what's really going on here?

[info]pondering in [info]escapemechanism

Are you pondering what I'm pondering?