June 3rd, 2009

[info]purebredhound in [info]escapemechanism

I really should be tempted to go back to the Disc, but I'm just not. Not sure if I'm concerned about what I'll find or won't find, but with my luck, Vimes'll put me back to work the second I get there.

[info]derangedcousin in [info]escapemechanism

All you do gooders with your shopping trips and your sex parties need something better to do with your lives. It wouldn't kill someone, not to say that I wouldn't, to have actual fun around here.

[info]smellslikebacon in [info]escapemechanism

She's gone. All that and Bella's gone again. I don't even know what to do with myself.

[info]illusionshatter in [info]escapemechanism

New York is there but Elfhame Misthold isn't. The Nexus is gone. I hate to think it, but maybe they left me ...

[info]sane_as_i_am in [info]escapemechanism

I like this world much better; haven't seen a single nargle yet. My necklace must be working.

I've still got a couple of spares. Would anyone like one?

[info]morphadora in [info]escapemechanism


Right, you lot. Heading for drinks tonight. Going to pick a reality and find a pub. Who's in?
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[info]deathsdoorway in [info]escapemechanism

I think granddad's gone on vacation. If anyone sees a man wearing a ridiculously coloured shirt, that's likely him. Good thing no one's died yet ...

[info]delta_square in [info]escapemechanism

I found an island. But it wasn't the Island. I'm still very confused. The people seemed nice enough, but I didn't recognize anyone.

I kind of wish Lincoln was here. He was always good at figuring this kind of thing out.

[info]i_call_9mm in [info]escapemechanism

The realities have been interesting. Some of them are very similar to each other or to my own.

[private to Jake Chambers]

Have you visited your reality yet?

[info]burn_the_land in [info]escapemechanism

All these lovely ladies about an' still no trim. Seems a man has to go to great lengths for things 'round here.