Enemies of the Heir, beware!

March 2013



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January 25th, 2013



[No Subject]


Who: Choir: [Bess Alderton, Prosper Avery, Alphard Black, Estelle Bletchley, Olwen Dearborn, Felicity Fletwock, Eleanor Greengrass, Elladora Guffy, Evander Macmillian, Aoife MacNamara, Jane Parker, Ophelia Parkinson, Poppy Pomfrey, Bridget Tierney, Wilhelm Wigworthy Jr., Winnifred Wilkes, Heliotrope Willis] and anyone who came for the open auditions.
Where: The Choir Classroom.
When: 25 January, club meeting time (17:00-19:00)
What: Valentine's Concert auditions.
Status/Rating: IC/OOC / PG. Maybe. WHO AM I KIDDING: A HARD R.

And a major thanks to Sunni who came up with the songs and dances. )



[No Subject]

More IC Troublemaking Time!! (also getting this up before I have to leave for the night!)

Determined to redeem himself after the fight with Graeme, Lance spent a lot of extra time this week practicing the imperius on various cats around the common room, because he wanted to make sure he could handle it on a person for at least a few seconds by time Friday rolled around.

After classes and just before lunch as everyone was heading towards the Great Hall for food, Lance spotted Lizzy Hale, muggleborn extraordinaire and creator of That Damned List. He managed to cast the Imperius curse on her for a few moments while she was on one of the moving staircases, and had her trip herself face first down the steps. (Emily can decide how hurt she ended up!)

As soon as she started tumbling down the stairs Lance let the spell drop and kept moving into the Great Hall for lunch. A growing lad's gotta eat! (and not stick around the scene of the crime.)

[No Subject]

WHO: Ophelia Parkinson and Gilbert Rosier.
WHAT: Walking. Super innocently. Clearly.
WHERE: The grounds.
WHEN: Before Transfigurations, I think.

I would worry about your being cold, but since I'm around... )