Welcome to the Garden

Hi, I'm Forsythia and I make icons primarily geared toward roleplayers. Multiple crops, heavy lighting tweaks, and a snail-worthy pace are basically my calling card. Most subjects iconned also suit my friends' and my interests because hyperfixation is how I roll.

Special thanks to Mandy for image hosting.

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Posts Tagged: '.hair+style:+pink'

Dec. 20th, 2019



Halloween Aesthetics & Pink-Haired Witch [63 Icons]

I planned to make some wintery icons, and this batch of Halloween aesthetics happened instead. Oops?

Most icons in this set feature a pink-haired witch (of the Halloween costume variety) whose name is unknown due to the nature of being a stock photography model. As such, I have only appearance-based assumptions to go by when tagging the gender and age for this post. Please pardon any potential inaccuracies, though I highly doubt we'll ever know they exist.

Contains no broomsticks. )

Apr. 17th, 2019



Vanessa Morgan (Pink Hair Edits) [20 Icons]

So, I photoshopped pink hair onto some of my Vanessa Morgan icons because her role as Toni is severely lacking in smiling and silliness. These were mostly made for my own purposes, but anyone's welcome to use them.

Hair colour edits are so tedious. )

Mar. 31st, 2019



Gathering New Tags (Extra Categories)


Read more... )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jan. 21st, 2019



Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) [353 Icons]

One of the best parts of having decent internet now is being able to save images to icon a lot easier. (Seriously, guys, it used to take 4 hours to save a show's worth of screencaps and saving from Instagram took a day in the case of my Vanessa Morgan set.) I've apparently used this power to save way too many Instagram photos and make them into tiny squares.

These icons come from Markiplier's Instagram photos and feature only those with dyed hair - shades include red, blue, purple, pink, and yellow. A future set will feature only the undyed hair for those who want a little less neon in their icons.


Jan. 13th, 2019



Vanessa Morgan in Riverdale 2x20 & 2x22 [151 Icons]

This is probably my last set of Toni for a while, if only because I'm not overly interested in sifting through screencaps from the third season. Just like I wasn't particularly interested in snagging her instances in 2.21. What can I say? I'm a grump about several plot elements on this show lately, but I'll spare you guys the rant since to each their own.

Anyway, this is a set from Riverdale 2.20 and 2.22, featuring some hair style goals and plenty of Toni's Serpents jacket. Cheryl and Jug appear in a few icons, as well.

Riverdale High is now suddenly overcrowded. )

Dec. 31st, 2018



Vanessa Morgan in Riverdale 2x10 [117 Icons]

You wanted the pink amped to eleven, right? No? Well, too late, I already did it. I honestly don't know how I didn't realize just how pink some of these came out when I was making them, but alas I'm a sucker for that hair. So here you go: Vanessa Morgan as Toni Topaz in Riverdale 2.10: The Blackboard Jungle (plus ten extras).

Aside from the first ten, which come from Instagram photos and my Photoshopping thereof, these icons were made using caps supplied by my friend Toby. ♥ They put a lot of time and effort into grabbing the caps and getting them to me despite my then-horrifically slow internet connection, and for that I'm super appreciative.

It's very Lovecraftian... which I'm sure is the intention. But I gotta ask you: did you write this on a typewriter? )

Sep. 21st, 2018



Vanessa Morgan in Riverdale S2 E4-E6 (Pt. 2) [220 Icons]

Part two: icons 221-440 of my set featuring Vanessa Morgan as Toni Topaz in Riverdale season two episodes four through six. I may remake these at some point, because I'm not too happy with how my colouring and lighting turned out here.

Screencaps for this post came from [info]currency.

Now on to the next crashpad until my uncle stops locking me out. )



Vanessa Morgan in Riverdale S2 E4-E6 (Pt. 1) [220 Icons]

At this point, I might actually be a masochist for making myself deal with the shit lighting and colouring in Riverdale this often. Would you believe this isn't even the final set I plan to make of Toni? Well, believe it. Here's part one of a two-part set and I still have three more sets planned. Killmenow. I may remake these someday, because I'm not thrilled with the colouring I used. Too pink.

Screencaps for this post came from [info]currency.

All you do is demonize the Southside, so of course you think the Black Hood's from there. )

Jul. 18th, 2018



Vanessa Morgan in Riverdale 2x17 & 2x18 [177 Icons]

I sat by a window during an electrical storm to make these then spent nearly an hour fighting weather-impaired internet to upload them. So, y'know, I've lost all vestiges of sanity at this point. Nonetheless, here's a set of Vanessa Morgan as Toni Topaz in Riverdale 2.17: The Noose Tightens with a small number of extras from two screencaps of 2.18: A Night to Remember. (I don't particularly have any plans to icon the rest of 2.18, but I couldn't pass up the adorable hairstyle I added.)

We got disconnected before she could say too much. )

Jul. 17th, 2018



Vanessa Morgan in Riverdale 2x14 & 2x16 [134 Icons]

Here's a set of Toni Topaz from Riverdale season two, episodes fourteen and sixteen. Features a small number of Cheryl-inclusive icons and enough pink to make your local goth cry.

This set has been remade here with better colour balance and lighting.

Why don't you tell me what's bothering you, because clearly you're in a lot of pain. )