January 26th, 2014




Oh hi! It's Sherri again, here to let everyone know about Vivi's QUEST BOARD.

Originally, when I'd brought her in, I'd intended to have her hand out quests on occasion to people who were strapped for cash, or on behalf of people who needed shady things done. I've finally (nearly a year later whoops) gotten it set up! The link is HERE for those of you who are interested.

    Anyone can sign up for the Whoever Wants Them quests
    ➁ The only people who can take on the Shady quests are those who usually work for Vivi on those things or know that she facilitates these kinds of things. This list currently includes: Arielle Chiaro, Audrey Leradine, Azalea Cerelia, Cian Wilde, Loch Lemach, and Nathaniel Porter. If you think a character of yours would know, feel free to e-mail me and we can chat about it! please be advised that it is very, very, very unlikely that a non-TGer would know about vivi's shadiness.
    ➂ After a quest is claimed, Vivi will make a filter (or public post) to the person/people involved in that quest within a week.
    ➃ In order for your character to receive the reward, the quest has to be threaded/logged within two weeks of assignment. If it is not, then the quest then becomes available again for other people.

Questions? Feel free to e-mail me!

EDIT! Because I am clearly not thinking straight (har har), sign ups for the quests can be done in comments on the doc, so everyone can see who is doing what, and which ones need/can have more people. ♥ Just put your character name and the title of the quest. :D

lwl ooc plotting post

guess who is back with spam!!! ;____;

anyway: hello, hello!

here is the ooc plotting post for those at the lwl meeting today! (sry for the delay) feel free to solicit sub-threads here or thru email, w/e works best for you all. :) have fun & plot away.

we should maybe also talk seating arrangements. it's a round table with enough seating for everyone!!



Wait, what just happened?

Per this log, yep, Siana is gone for good.


She didn't report back to Shieldwyrm after her patrol, and given that she always does, that's the first clue that she's missing, so EKP types and all who would be in the know, feel free to react accordingly! Her body also won't be found as Cian is VERY thorough, etc.

But wait, why? Biggest reason: my life has gotten too chaotic to be able to juggle four characters, and Siana has been giving me trouble for months now, since at least September/October, and I just wasn't feeling her anymore. I'll miss her to bits, but for my own sanity, I needed to drop her. If anyone would like to be involved with her NPC family in some capacity, please let me know; I'll still make comments about the Mostyns and Banes every so often where relevant.

I'm keeping my boys around (Merri, Kiernan, Sky) in hopes that three characters won't stress me out, so if you desire them, let me know.

Thanks for all the logs/threads/fun times with Siana, everyone! <3