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[04 Jul 2010|02:02am]
[info]priceline Adam Pascal and the rest of the RENT OBC to keep Idina, Sherie, and I company. Also, Christopher Fitzgerald and Eden Espinosa.
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Wanted! [04 Jul 2010|02:31am]
@ [info]smallbox

  • Gareth David-Lloyd
  • Naoko Mori
  • Burn Gorman
  • Tom Price
  • Billie Piper
  • Catherine Tate
  • Freema Agyeman
  • Christopher Eccleston
  • John Simm
  • Alex Kingston
  • Arthur Darvill
  • Bradley James
  • Colin Morgan
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    [04 Jul 2010|03:50am]

    And in our bones, in our heads, we can't escape it anymore

    You can’t remember how you heard of this place, yet, here you are. You can remember where you came from. Maybe you’ve come to escape. Maybe you’re running from your past, your enemies, your friends, or maybe even yourself. Maybe you just want a new chance, a new life, a change of pace. Maybe you didn’t come for yourself. You came for your family, for your significant other. Maybe you came to find someone you have lost.

    Maybe you didn’t come here on your own at all, and someone else brought you here. Perhaps for your own good, or maybe just to get rid of you. Maybe they want to try and change you, for better or worse. Maybe you came from a different time, place, or existence, and when the offer was given to come here, you couldn’t say no. Perhaps you were given a new lease on life, literally, a chance to do it all again. To do it all right.

    But everything comes at a price.

    Welcome to Harmony, a newly reworked panfandom, high literacy RPG. We are so happy to have you here.

    --One year and still going strong! We are in need of male characters.--
    Join today!

    It's all about the break down, and baby, we're breaking down piece by piece

    Game Info // Taken // Rules // Supplants // Injections // Apply // Wanted
    Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

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    [04 Jul 2010|08:59am]
    home please, sometimes things dont work out. looking for an adam that wants an adommy. either a community or a psl.
    6 comments|post comment

    [04 Jul 2010|02:33pm]
    anyone play kris allen or adam lambert slashy?
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    [04 Jul 2010|04:05pm]

    On a small island in the North Atlantic lies a abandoned town know as Bedlam which is home to the world renown Belverdere asylum. Or at least it use to be world renown before an nasty uprising of the patients in 1976. Sixteen staff members were brutally murdered and the hospital was shut down for good. Over the next few years the town of Bedlam died out as the people packed up and left. Some didn’t even bother to pack as the fled the island.

    The island would remain empty for years as nature reclaimed until she returned.

    Elizabeth Belverdere, most commonly known as Nurse Belverdere, the descent who bears an uncanny resemblance to her great grandmother Sophie Belverdere, the founder of the asylum. She has decided to start up the family business again by bringing together the worst, the most violent miscreants with the belief that she can ‘rehabilitate’ them. Yet, Nurse Belverdere isn’t what she seems. How did she bring these people to the island? And what exactly does she have planned?

    Only one way to find out....


    Bedlam Island is a multi-fandom horror game on invisionfree. Players must be seventeen to apply. We are currently looking for: More female characters! More Villains!


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    [04 Jul 2010|04:19pm]
    looking for a gothic suicide girl or a gothic model in gemeral for a line. im me at 'sexupcasper' if you play any gothic type suicide girl
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    [04 Jul 2010|04:20pm]
    home please
    3 comments|post comment

    [04 Jul 2010|04:23pm]
    Welcome to Avalonis, where superheroes and villains walk the streets and nothing is quite what it seems.

    The city of Avalonis was once dubbed the superpowered capital of the world and even today the city is filled with people who can do the most extraordinary things. Some can move things with their mind, others can read them and then there are some who have no powers at all but insist on fighting for justice nonetheless. As when you have a city filled with heroes, villains will follow and now the city is host to some of the most spectacular and epic show downs the world has ever seen.

    Beneath the shiny exterior of the city and the side that the tourists come to see in the hope of catching a glimpse of the city's famous heroes and villains is a layer of corruption. The Irish mob and Italian mafia control parts of the city, pushing prostitution and drugs onto the streets of Avalonis. If there's something you crave then there's always a way to get it, no matter how sordid your tastes.

    There's a reason why the city needs heroes. Avalonis Police Department is rife with corruption. The internal struggle within the department is probably why they have yet to pay full attention to the recent disappearances of young superpowered individuals, but how long can these disappearances remain unnoticed and who knows more than they're letting on?

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    [04 Jul 2010|08:12pm]
    [info]sunshinemod Rob por favor
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    the Light of May [04 Jul 2010|08:46pm]

    Light of May

    MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


    Area Information
    What if a drop of your blood could revive the dead? What would you do? How would you live?

    As a phoenix, many choose to live in hiding and help where they can, when they can. If the world knew they existed they would certainly be bled dry, or carted away to aid medical science. Revealing themselves could save thousands, but such an act would forfeit their freedom.

    Some of their kind pass themselves off as fire elementals, or even were-birds. Keeping the secret isn't as difficult as you may think - there are only ever 13 phoenixes on a continent at any time. Yet such a life can be lonely. It is a very rare thing to come across another phoenix. Those who come into their abilities must learn the ropes alone, with no guidance to help them make their way. After death they are reborn, rising from ashes, to do it all over again.

    On May 1st, 2009, the supernatural world revealed itself to society. But not the phoenixes. They are one of the world's last true secrets.

    But for how long?

    Introducing the latest race to the Light of May, The Phoenix. As an extremely rare race, we are only allowing two more phoenix characters into the game! Don't miss your chance!

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