Mar. 23rd, 2012


FEBRUARY-MAY 1976: Cody is the best ever, period.

FORMAT: Journal, no comments.
WHO: Cody Hadlock.
WHEN: February-May 1976.
WHAT: Cody reminds me why I was stupid enough to take anthro.

Oh my God. For once she was right. For once, Fran Quindley was actually right. = best line in Dissendium. )

Jan. 18th, 2012



FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Cody Hadlock, Lexy Lane, Sirius Black, Jolie Keates, Hestia Jones, Christian Presson, Tim Harbourne, Rosie Clemens, Sturgis Podmore, Gideon Prewitt, Maeve Michaels, Charlie Presson, Alice Caldwell, Edgar Bones.
WHEN: March 28, 1976
WHAT: The journals. Explode. Mobs are formed! Sturgis probably saves the day.
NOTES: Wayback Machine caught this and a LOT of the comments, but not all. Some are missing.

So come and get it. You can have all of me. It's not worth much, anyways, obviously, so it's not that much of a bargain but it's there so have it if you want it. )



FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Rosie Clemens, Alex Lovegood, Cody Hadlock, Jeana Wood, Edgar Bones.
WHEN: March 23, 1976 (September 21, 2004)
WHAT: Lee reflects on Alex's engagement to Leona! Presumably at this point we knew we were going to do Lexy/Cody, so we decided to have everyone make really ironic statements.

Life's kind of amazing. We should never take it for granted. )


MARCH 1976: O! the days of drams.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Lexy Lane,
WHEN: March 17, 1976 (September 15, 2004)
WHAT: Lee: Voldemort > Ravenettes.

... so in summary: we're all about to get in trouble over this, OWLs are still on, Tristan's in a good mood, and the Ravenettes are invading. )


JOURNAL: Lee Mackenzie (wip)

FORMAT: Journal, no comments.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie.
WHEN: March 1976-
NOTES: In honour of last night's party (you guys are the worst for my productivity and I hate you forever, the end), I'm putting up some of the ~~contemporary drams~~. Includes the Tim molestation scandal, the Lexy/Cody scandal, and running amok en masse! There were a lot of Wayback captures of Lee's journal, so this will probably be added to at a later date. Starts shortly after Lee was returned by the DEs.

This isn't bullshit, it's just truth that sounds like bullshit. )

Jan. 6th, 2012


JUNE 1978: Last train home.

WHO: Devin Lyle, Tim Harbourne.
WHEN: June 23, 1978 (December 22, 2006)
WHERE: On the Hogwarts Express!
WHAT: The 78ers take the train home for the last time. :(
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

There once was a girl named Gladys / And yes, indeed, she was the saddest. / No one adored her / This was a huge error / Because eventually she blew them up with success. )

Dec. 8th, 2011


Old photobucket dump.

Dissenostalgia: Moody & Benjy. )

Why Cody Hadlock was amazing. )

Lol shitty Paint graphics. )

I forget what our premise was for getting everyone to self-report penis size. )

I may have been using Paint, but I PWNED Paint, bitches. )

Ahaha oh God a Witch Weekly cover. )

Oh Gerard Butler. You are a wonder. )

March 2012




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