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Jan. 18th, 2012



FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Cody Hadlock, Lexy Lane, Sirius Black, Jolie Keates, Hestia Jones, Christian Presson, Tim Harbourne, Rosie Clemens, Sturgis Podmore, Gideon Prewitt, Maeve Michaels, Charlie Presson, Alice Caldwell, Edgar Bones.
WHEN: March 28, 1976
WHAT: The journals. Explode. Mobs are formed! Sturgis probably saves the day.
NOTES: Wayback Machine caught this and a LOT of the comments, but not all. Some are missing.

So come and get it. You can have all of me. It's not worth much, anyways, obviously, so it's not that much of a bargain but it's there so have it if you want it. )



FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Rosie Clemens, Alex Lovegood, Cody Hadlock, Jeana Wood, Edgar Bones.
WHEN: March 23, 1976 (September 21, 2004)
WHAT: Lee reflects on Alex's engagement to Leona! Presumably at this point we knew we were going to do Lexy/Cody, so we decided to have everyone make really ironic statements.

Life's kind of amazing. We should never take it for granted. )


MARCH 1976: O! the days of drams.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lee Mackenzie, Lexy Lane,
WHEN: March 17, 1976 (September 15, 2004)
WHAT: Lee: Voldemort > Ravenettes.

... so in summary: we're all about to get in trouble over this, OWLs are still on, Tristan's in a good mood, and the Ravenettes are invading. )

Jan. 7th, 2012


JANUARY 1976: Good luck, Lavinia.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Lavinia Miles,
WHEN: January 6, 1976 (July 6, 2004)
WHAT: Lavinia tries to explain sexual harassment.
NOTES: Wayback version online here!

Not only does this violate myself, it also violates both school rules and Ministry regulations. )


DECEMBER 1975: Petey's got a date!

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black.
WHEN: December 30, 1975 (June 29, 2004)
WHAT: Peter and Mandy have a date!
NOTES: Wayback version online here!

Gonna get laid, Petey? )


DECEMBER 1975: Poll results!

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Amanda Mackenzie, Lee Mackenzie, Lexy Lane, Severus Snape, Alexander Lovegood, Hazel Morton, Sirius Black.
WHEN: December 22, 1975 (June 21, 2004)
WHAT: Poll results!
NOTES: Wayback version online here!

I hate everyone. Except some people. But really. The masses suck. )


DECEMBER 1975: Amanda takes a poll.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Amanda Mackenzie, Andromeda Tonks.
WHEN: December 21, 1975 (June 20, 2004)
WHAT: Amanda polls the journals.
NOTES: Wayback version online here!

Who here hates Muggles and Muggle-borns? )


DECEMBER 1975: Peter's virginity becomes an endangered species.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Peter Pettigrew,
WHEN: December 28, 1975 (June 27, 2004)
WHAT: Mandy moves on from Sirius.
NOTES: Wayback version online here!

Er, you guys. )


DECEMBER 1975: Peter arrives!

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, James Potter, Severus Snape, Hazel Morton, Lee Mackenzie, Alice Caldwell, Maeve Michaels, Kuzzie.
WHEN: December 21, 1975 (June 20, 2004)
WHAT: Peter's first entry.
NOTES: Wayback version online here!

Forced is such a strong word. )


MARCH 1976: Mitch arrives!

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Mitch Perrings,
WHEN: March 3, 1976 (September 1, 2004)
WHAT: Best ex ever, basically.
NOTES: The comment threads weren't archived, so I only have the first couple of comments for each one... Kat, it's one of the great tragedies of my life that I can't find any Mitch/Cody interaction. Online version here.

You really do go through them, don't you? )

Jan. 6th, 2012


SEPTEMBER 1978: Jesus Christ, Hudson.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Laura Penman, Adonis Edelen, Hazel Morton.
WHEN: ~September 6, 1978 (March 6, 2007)
NOTES: Salvaged from email, comments likely missing.

I'll be YOUR harem too! )


JUNE 1978: This is war, Hufflepuff.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Devin Lyle, Emily Everfeld.
WHEN: ~June 4, 1978 (December 4, 2006)
WHAT: Devin is not ready to finish school.
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

The House of Tim has stolen nail polish from The House of Devin. )


MAY 1978: Helios says hello.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Helios Edelen, Mackenzie MacAthan, Bernadette Veltin-Lufkin, Gavin Kethriotis.
WHEN: ~May 20, 1978 (November 20, 2006)
WHAT: Helios's first entry.
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

There are other uses for these, you know. Like, declaring war on each other (see the pants-stealing) or shamelessly posting lists about who you would or would not have sex with. You know, the usual things.  )


APRIL 1978: Tori is skeptical.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Tori Nott, Twila Rolande.
WHEN: ~April 29, 1978 (October 29, 2006)
WHAT: Marina died.
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

So, question of the day. )


APRIL 1978: Jackie is a douche.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Jackie Purefoy, Twila Rolande, Juniper Smith, Davy Gudgeon, Hollis Vane.
WHEN: ~April 29, 1978 (October 29, 2006)
WHAT: Somebody died! Oh. Judging by Hollis's comment: Marina died!
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely incomplete.

Next tragedy, please. )


APRIL 1978: What matters to you?

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Eoghan Flynn, Mary Tomes, George Tomes, Caden Moore, Lars Beswick.
WHEN: ~April 21, 1978 (October 21, 2006)
WHAT: Mary does Rosie proud.
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

Consensus: sex. )


APRIL 1978: I forgot I played this dude. I keep having this moment.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Richard Johnson, Evert Poliakoff.
WHEN: ~April 22, 1978 (October 22, 2006)
WHAT: Idk a journal entry, bro.
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

Pinkstone and Harrow 1975, employee of the Acceptable Use of Potions office. Yes, I am very familiar with Maeve Michaels. )


MARCH 1978: Moody had a thing and apparently it was trying.

FORMAT: Journal entry.
WHO: Devin Lyle, Alice Caldwell.
WHEN: March 24, 1978 (September 22, 2006)
WHAT: After something Moody did that I can't remember, Devin asks a question!
NOTES: Scavenged from email, comments likely missing.

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. )


MARCH 1978: Moody's chatting up minors again...

FORMAT: Two journal entries.
WHO: Alastor Moody, Devin Lyle.
WHEN: March 18, 1978 (September 16, 2006)
WHAT: Moody's testing out the young'uns.
NOTES: Scavenged from email; comments definitely missing.

Shall I assume he serves as an ambassador from the Conclave, or is Mr Black himself suffering the effects of my darling Imogen? )


MARCH 1978: It's good to have ambitions!

FORMAT: Journal entry, with comments.
WHO: Doug Parkinson, Bernadine Craze, Alastor Moody, Hudson Bones.
WHEN: March 18, 1978 (September 16, 2006)
WHAT: Doug wants to do something impressive; Craze thinks he's an idiot.
NOTES: Scavenged from email; comments probably incomplete.

Yeah, because THAT'S an effective and witty response. )

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March 2012




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