October 28th, 2009

[info]giantfruitbyday in [info]disappear_rpg

Oh dear...

Who: Maeko, Smisa
What: I don't even...
Where: Girls' dorm bathrooms.
When: Lunchtime.
Why: Communication issues and also one of them is a shadow.

You can count on me, I'll never let you down. One thing I guarantee - I'll bail you out. )

[info]ofmanydevices in [info]disappear_rpg

Who: Tom and Ayumu, and Emi if she wants in
When: While everyone else is running around with Misaki
Where: The Middle School
What: Tom intends to drag Ayumu to the team.
Why: Because... I'm Batman.

Quickly Robin, to the Bat...Butterfly Room. )
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[info]some_other_dog in [info]disappear_rpg

Kaz's introduction into the shadow world.

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