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Nov. 25th, 2011


Who: Esras and Icarus and whoever
What: Massive fucking catch-up. Guess what bitches, GAME ON. NO EXCUSES.
When: I mean it this time.
Where: Their home. Because it THEIRS.
Why: as a wise woman once said..."because I fucking said so, that's why." -Jess

No one could have planned for the wall and everything it would bring. )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Icarus and Esras.
What: I don't care. Something adorable. I need it.
When: shut up.
Where: home.
Why: because i fucking said so, that's why.

god, it's been a lovely day, everything's been going my way. i took up croquet today and i'm on fire. )
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Jul. 20th, 2010


Who: Ruby, Samuel, Atropine, Esras, Icarus, Ben, Lucifer, Jasper (and possibly Aladdin Sane)
What: The torture and eventual death of Samuel Madison.
When: Immediately after the events of this and this
Where: Esras' surgery.
Status: Incomplete.

dig through the ditches and burn through the witches. )

Apr. 20th, 2010


Who: Esras, Icarus, Ben, Jade, Attie
What: Ben arriving at the Surgery.
When: Sunday April 11th, late evening.
Where: The Surgery
Status: Incomplete.

Hey, hey I listen to you pray as if some help will come )

Dec. 24th, 2009


Who: Icarus, Esras, Attie and Ben if he's so inclined.
What: Christmas Eve dinner/gifts.
When: Christmas Eve, clearly.
Where: The house above the surgery.
Status: Incomplete.

Got on a lucky one, came in eighteen to one. I´ve got a feeling this year´s for me and you. So Happy Christmas. I love you, baby. I can see a better time when all our dreams come true. )

Dec. 9th, 2009


Who: Sweet Thing/Aladdin Sane, Atropine, Esras, Icarus, Ben and possibly Lucy.
Where: The surgery
When: Two weeks after the raid.
Summary: Sweet Thing comes to have a conversation with the group at the surgery.
Status: Incomplete

If you want it, boys, get it here, then. For hope, boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thing. )

Sep. 14th, 2009


Who: Icarus, Attie, Esras and Ben.
Where: The newly relocated surgery.
When: In the wee small hours of Tuesday morning (four days after the raid).
Summary: Icarus drops in to check on Attie.
Status: Incomplete.

home, home again. i like to be here when i can. )

Aug. 15th, 2009


Who: Icarus, Atropine and eventually open to all Diamonds. (We'll let you guys know when.)
Where: Halloween Jack's Riot Cabaret
When: Five or six weeks after Loki's death
What: Icarus is meeting with Attie to find out what happened to Esras's surgery, which has apparently vanished along with Esras.
Status: Incomplete

I read the news today, oh boy. )

Jul. 6th, 2009


Who: Icarus.
When: 3rd July, 2084.
Where: Esras' home, the streets, Atropine's flat.
What: Personal narrative.
Status: Complete.

She's leaving home after living alone for so many years.. )

Jul. 1st, 2009


Who: Icarus & Esras
When: 1st July, 2084
Where: Esras' home
What: Icarus and Esras have a fight.
Status: Complete.

don't leave me here to cast through time without a map or roadsign. )
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Jun. 23rd, 2009


Where: Halloween Jack's Riot Cabaret
When: Mid-afternoon: 23rd June, 2084.
What: Loki's funeral.
Status: Incomplete.

only the good die young. )

Jun. 22nd, 2009


Who: Icarus and Atropine.
Where: Esras' home.
When: Early morning.
Status:: Incomplete.

mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun. )

Mar. 15th, 2009


Happy Birthday!

Who: Atropine, Icarus, Esras [open to Ben, Lucifer, Loki and Jade]
Where: Esras' home.
When: early afternoon.
Status: In progress.

don't let me hear you say life's taking you nowhere, angel. )

Feb. 24th, 2009


[ icarus and jasper ]

Who: Icarus and Jasper.
Where: Halloween Jack's Riot Cabaret.
When: Late Tuesday afternoon.
Status: In progress.

and wendy's stealing clothes from under cars. )
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Feb. 14th, 2009


Les Tricoteuses

Who: Zane, Atropine, Esras, Icarus, Ben
Where: Esras' Home.
When: Early Morning

Someone scrawled on the wall 'I smell the blood of les tricoteuses' )

Feb. 7th, 2009


[ icarus, aidan, esras, atropine, ben ]

Who: Icarus, Aidan, Esras, Atropine, Ben.
Where: Esras' house.
When: Immediately after this thread.
Status: Incomplete.

on the street where you live i could not hold up my head. )

Feb. 5th, 2009


[ aidan and icarus ]

Who: Icarus and Aidan.
Where: Aidan's house.
When: The day after this thread.
Status: Complete.

out of my brain on the 5:15. )
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Feb. 1st, 2009


If You Think We're Going To Make It, You Better Hang Onto Yourself (Esras, Icarus, Ben, Atropine)

Esras was sitting on the stool pulled up to one of the metal surgical tables. The day had brought him more bullets to extract and more gashes to stitch up. Only a few weeks ago his life was relatively quiet, now he was working basically around the clock. But such was the plight with all of the Doctor's The Dead had among them, with flash point's breaking out all over the city there were more and more trauma cases, and at the moment, he was the only Doctor that was qualified to handle severe cases. For the time being.

Apparently this evening his sister was supposed to be bringing him another, qualified, doctor to help him when things were getting overwhelmingly busy, which at this rate was looking like it was going to be rather soon. He would have generally been very opposed to the idea back when he had a lifestyle that allowed for him to be working twenty hours a day. But now, now he wanted a little... a fair amount... of time to spend with Icarus. To have a functioning, thriving, relationship wasn't possible when you had four spare hours that you had to use sleeping. He looked down at his watch when he realized that his sister and the new Doctor should be arriving.

He stood up slowly and peeled the surgical gloves off of his hands and tossed them into the waste basket and dropped the soiled instruments and the kidney dish they were sitting in into the bleach and scalding water that was sitting in the sink before he put them in the sanitizer. At the rate he was working he either needed more tools or a faster sanitizer. At the very least this one needed a tune up. He'd need to have Icarus deal with that. Icarus. Esras did feel utterly terrible for the way that he was treating him lately, when he wasn't exhausted, he was asking Icarus to run and get this or have something fixed.

Quietly he headed up from the surgery, through the hallway and into the living room. "Icarus!" he called, not even bothering to look around for him as he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands.

Jan. 24th, 2009


[ icarus and esras ]

Who: Icarus and Esras
Where: Esras' house.
When: Just before curfew.
Status: Complete.

and i just might say it tonight. )
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Dec. 22nd, 2008


please allow me to introduce myself.. [ icarus, esras and lucifer ]

In the days following his birthday celebration, Icarus had not been able to bring himself to leave Esras. Times being what they were, happiness was incredibly difficult to come by and even more difficult to hold onto and he simply hadn't been ready to relinquish his grip on it. However, he knew that he needed to at least check in at the Basement to get his messages. He rolled out of bed with groan and started to get dressed, pulling on a pair of jeans from a pile of clothes on the floor and laughing when he realized that the legs were much too long to belong to him. Still laughing, he pulled them off and tried again, eventually rummaging around in his corner of the top drawer to pull on a shirt and then crawl over his side of the bed to sit on top of Esras. "Hey," he said, pinching at his lover's sides playfully. "Wake up, sleepyhead."

Grinning down at him, Icarus pinched him a couple more times for good measure. "I have to go to the Basement to pick up my messages. Wanna come with?"

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