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Mar. 23rd, 2010


Who: Rabastan Lestrange and Regulus Black
When: Friday, February 11. 10:00pm
Where: Slytherin dorms
What: Pillow talk and Rabastan takes a chance
Rating: PG-ish

Don't hurry your mind )


Friday, February 11th, 1977

The morning has light flurries, but by the afternoon it seems to warm up. Don't let the temperature gauge fool you, the wind is pretty nasty. Windows that aren't properly shut or sealed will whistle, and anything not tied down is likely to fly away.

(Real life March 23rd & 24th)

Mar. 21st, 2010


Who: Kingsley & Hestia
Where: Outside
What: Walking and maybe moaaaar?
When: After his entry / she finds out about Ryland
Rating: Possible it may get high-ish

Baby hold on tight, don't let go )


Thursday, February 10th, 1977

The sun comes out in the morning, but don't let it fool you. It's still mighty cold outside - the type of cold that makes your nose hairs freeze together. The day continues sunny and cold, with a few clouds here and there.

(Real life March 21st & 22d)

Mar. 19th, 2010


Who: Li Hua Shen and Chase Harper
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The armor gallery
What: Searching for starfruit
Rating: Not too high

I'm sorry, I'm just checking to make sure someone didn't stick some fruit inside you. I hope that's all right. )


WHO. Glenda Chittock & Morrigan Troy
WHEN. Wednesday night-ish?
WHAT. Glenda's giving some much needed company
WHERE. girls dorm in Hufflepuff
RATING. Eh. Fairly low. Language is about the worst thing that could happen
NOTES. Noz, I meant to catch you on last night D: Sorry. I figured I'd throw this on up?

she is protected by stockings and jumpers all around )


Wednesday, February 9th, 1977

The snow has stopped, but the sun isn't shining much through the heavy cloud overlay. It's colder outside than you'd think, so if you dare to drift outside, make sure you pack on the layers. Five minutes unprotected and frostbite is almost guaranteed. But don't worry--halfway through the day, things brighten up as the sun comes out to play for an hour or two before the moon takes over. Counting down the days to Valentine's Day!
(Real life March 19th & 20th)

Mar. 18th, 2010


Tuesday, February 8th, 1977

Class routines have continued, love is on the rise as Valentine's Day looms around the corner, and the swiftly falling snowflakes have set the groan back in the throats of almost every student wishing for spring. Another accumulated three inches, though with it blowing around, it looks like at least six. The sun is hidden behind dark clouds and the atmosphere is typical of the beginning of the week. It'll get better, kids, it's nearly Wednesday.

(Real life March 17th & 18th)

Mar. 15th, 2010


Who: Ted & Meda
When: Feb 7th, Monday
What: Going for a walk
Where: Great Hall and the Grounds
Rating: TBA? Probably not too high
Notes: I just put up the thread, I hope you don't mind Sara?

He wanted to see her today )


Monday, February 7th, 1977

With the carnivale over, students have returned to classes where the sun is a reminder of how much longer they have yet to go. Quidditch practice continues as scheduled, so captains had better reserve the pitch! By the end of the day, there is at least another two inches of snow, but it isn't the kind to compact, sadly, no more enchanted snowmen yet.

(Real life March 15th & 16th)

Mar. 14th, 2010


Who: Benjy Fenwick and Marlene McKinnon
When: Saturday early afternoon... and then evening
What: Benjy fell asleep, and Marlene's waking him up. None too gently, either
Where: The Astronomy Tower
Rating: Not sure. Probably PG-13... No, wait. I'll say R for language. Benjy's got a potty-mouth

Read more... )

Mar. 12th, 2010


Saturday, February 5th, 1977

As the sun starts to show its lovely face again and the birds are no longer pretending to be asleep, the snow is melting and the castle is notably warmer. The glimmering promise of spring is on the rise and everything seems just a bit brighter than it normally might, especially with the close of the carnivale and the classes looming closer and closer by the second.

(Real life March 11th & 12th)

Mar. 9th, 2010


Friday, February 4th, 1977

Again fail on weather. The carnival is coming to a close! It's a littler warmer outside, which is likely to perk thoughts of Spring, yay!

(Real life March 9th & 10th)

Mar. 5th, 2010


Wednesday, February 2nd, 1977

I forgot to change the weather two days ago. Therefore, I suck. UHHH, windy and chilly. Carnival's almost over, and so keep your eyes open for upcoming plot!

(Real life March 5th & 6th)

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Who: Hestia & Kingsley
Where: Outside
When: Eh, now's good.

text text )

Mar. 1st, 2010


Who: Eli Bucklin and Amelia Bones
When: Monday, January 31, before dinner.
Where: An empty classroom.
What: Horrible things. Really bad. Stuff that would make Eddie cry.
Rating: PG13

I ain't sinned yet. And I'd feel a little more than awkward if he were here when I did. )


Monday, January 31st, 1977

Fairly mild outside, so long as the wind doesn't pick up. Precipitation expected in the afternoon, and there's a chance of rain.

Partner activities are over.

(Real life March 1st & 2nd)

Feb. 25th, 2010


Who Hestia & Edgar
What Hestia's been missing all night and is contemplating tossing herself from somewhere very high.
Where Astronomy Tower.
When Early this morning.

It all meant nothing )


Saturday, January 28th, 1977

Above average temperatures continue. It rests just below freezing, so the slow doesn't melt. No winds, and it's a rather nice day out.

Partner activity today is the haunted fun house. Partners need to make it out as fast as possible!

(Real life February 23rd & 24th)

Feb. 24th, 2010


WHO: Glenda Chittock and OPEN
WHEN: Friday night, after dinner
WHAT: enjoying some fresh air and quiet
WHERE: A third floor corridor

she almost missed getting up early and having to go to class. almost. )

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