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Feb. 19th, 2012


Group Chat February 18, 2012

Who: Mocchi, Raf, Ron, Evan, Sebastian, Thomas, Caleb, Tak, Gabriel, Rose, Blake, Addison, Curtis,
Where: DaltonIC, the Dalton AIM group!
When: Saturday, February 18, morning
Rating: Mostly SFW



Who: All students!
What: Valentines dance after party
Where: An unnamed loft, Westerville, halfway between Dalton and Haverstone.
When: Saturday, February 18 - Sunday February 19
Rating: TBA but likely NSFW

The place looks like this. There's a large main room, bathrooms off to the side as you come in and a balcony. Management keep the balcony door locked for events held at night but a resourceful student (not looking at anyone...) has picked the lock so that the kids have a chance to get some air. Please don't fall to your deaths.
Thanks to some generous donations, the place will have a long table filled with pizzas, chips, candy and a bunch of drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. There's also a decent sound system and a makeshift dance floor.

Feel free to add any sub-headings as needed!

Feb. 17th, 2012


What: Valentine´s Day Dance
Where: Haverstone Ballroom
When: Saturday February 18th 2012, evening [Foredated]
Rating: TBA

Feel free to add any more thread headers you need. For Dalton, the chaperoning staff are Jeanette Bell, Lincoln Hemmingway, Nathan Grayman and Raphael Leclarc. Others can feel free to attend as well, however.

Feb. 11th, 2012


Who: Jeanette + Everyone
What: The V-Day Love Notes Broadcast
Where: The Whole School
When: February 14th, Whole Day [Foredated]
Rating: TBA

For the past few days, there have been boxes all around the school, into which the boys (and visiting girls?) could throw their notes to be read on February 14th during the breaks. The notes will be read by Sebastian, Blake and Evan.

Feel free to write notes to anyone you want, teachers included. Post them under the header of the time when you want them to be read. Feel free to thread the reactions to them.

Have fun.

Feb. 10th, 2012


Group Chat February 10, 2012

Who: Lots of people
Where: The Virtual World
When: Friday, February 10, evening/night
Highlights: Harris and Luke verbally fight, Ben and Colby show up, Raf snaps at people, Mocchi invites Tak for a threesome with Sebastian, Gabriel tries to make a friend, Evan can't find his white pants...
Rating: Mostly SFW, with some talk of sex, drugs, and rock and roll as usual. It's the Dalton gang.

Awkwardness abounds! )


Who: Everyone going to cheer Caleb up!
What: Operation Cheery Caleb!
When: Feb 10th, Friday Night
Where: Bowling Alley / Movies
Rating: SFW (minor cursing?)

Never seen so many gutter balls. )



What: Clubbing, dancing, macking, all that good stuff. Getting schwasted.
Where: Da club. Babylon
When: Friday, 10 February 2012
Rating: Ooooh, probably NSFW. It's Babylon, after all.

Feb. 9th, 2012


Group Chat February 8, 2012

Who: Lots of people
Where: The Virtual World
When: Wednesday, February 8, evening/night
Rating: Mostly SFW, with some talk of sex, drugs, and rock and roll as usual. It's the Dalton gang.

In which short games are played )

Feb. 5th, 2012


Dalton IC Chat

Who: Lots of people!
Where: Everywhere!
When: Sunday night, February 5, 2012
Rating: ???

Dalton IC chat )


What: Superbowl Sunday!
Where: Johnson common room
When: Evening, February 5th
Rating: SFW


Jan. 25th, 2012


When: Sunday, January 28, 7 PM (Foredated)
Rating: SFW, I guesss

The performance was scheduled to begin at 7 PM sharp, with one intermission halfway through. Students could attend free of charge with their student IDs, while family and the community were charged $5 a ticket at the door. Seats were first-come, first-served, and the theater was filling up fast.

((Performances will be led by Raf, Mocchi, Benji, Ron, (intermission), Tak, Dorian, Caleb and Sebastian in that order, finishing with one truly-choral song in which there are no leads. All Warblers participate as backup for all the songs. Please post your song in the appropriate performances section.))

Jan. 14th, 2012


What: Babylon. Because it has been a while.
Where: Babylon
When: Saturday 14th January, late evening
Rating: NSFW, most likely

Dec. 31st, 2011


What: NYE Paaaaaaarty!
Where: Holmes residence, Lima
When: 9PM-whenever, December 31st/January 1st
Rating: NSFW


Dec. 11th, 2011


Who: Warblers and their supporters
What: Sectionals!
Where: Mansfield Playhouse, Mansfield Ohio
When: Saturday the 10th of December
Rating: SFW

Feel free to add sub-threads as you want!

Dec. 4th, 2011


|Open For All Mistletoe Post|

Who: Anyone who wants in on mistletoe? XD
What: Mistletoe shenanigans
Where: Everywhere mistletoe hangs
When: whole December \o/
Rating: .....TBA

[I´ve decided this needed to done...

The idea is that if you want to play out a mistletoe run-in this is the place to go. Open sub-threads should be fun! Just treat it as a mass thread; you know the drill. Have fun!]

Nov. 9th, 2011


Who: Warblers.
What: Warbler meeting to discuss an upcoming Random Warbler Attack.
Where: The usual room.
When: Tuesday 8 November
Rating: SFW

Since when was enthusiasm a bad thing? )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Who: Everyone
What: Halloween Party
When: October 29th, Saturday Evening
Where: Marriott Inn, Columbus, Ohio
Rating: NSFW

This is Halloween! Halloween! )

Sep. 23rd, 2011


Who: Lincoln and any Freshman, Sophomores, or faculty who would like to come!
What: Second field trip!
Where: Buses, then the site
When: Morning of Friday, Sept. 23rd to evening of Sunday, the 25th.
Rating: SFW?

Lincoln loves taking these field trips as a chance to get to know the new students. The one in the fall is always a favourite to students- they get to sleep indoors and do pretty much what they want. While the team-building exercises and leadership skill courses sound like a drag, Lincoln feels that he's done a great job helping students make new friends!

[[OOC: Add any subthreads you want!]]

Sep. 13th, 2011


Warbler Auditions

Who: Warblers and Everyone who wants to audition or support their friends
Where: Auditorium
When: 17th - 18th September
Rating: SFW

[In-game, these will happen this weekend but these can take a while to do so feel free to start now so that the decisions can be made ASAP.

Information about the auditions and sign ups can be found here.

Each audition time has it's own comment. If you've already signed up for a particular time, just write your audition under that comment - have your character come up on stage, introduce themself and their song and then head into it. You're welcome to link to videos/audio/etc, especially if it's not necessarily a song most people will know.

After this, all existing Warblers are encouraged to ask questions or just leave reaction comments.

If you haven't already signed up but want to have your character audition, double check the sign ups to make sure the time you want isn't held and post your audition in a free slot.]

Sep. 10th, 2011


What: First Babylon night of the year.
Where: Babylon
When: Saturday 10th September, late evening
Rating: NSFW, most likely

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