September 30th, 2012

[info]twintimez in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Jace and Tak
What: Lunch Date
When: Sunday Afternoon, September 30th
Where: Old Diner in Columbus
Rating: SFW

He fought the urge to sing Grease. He fought it hard. )

[info]anderrr in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Evan Olson & Ron Martin
What: Someone is drunk and desperately wants physical attention...
Where: Johnson 301
When: Morning (around 5AM), September 30th
Rating: SFW-ish

But why did it have to end? )

[info]onewayride in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Riley & Harris
Where: Outside Chopp/At the library (assuming Addison was telling the truth about Riley's whereabouts)
When: After this, on Sunday, September 30th, 2012
Rating: SFW

hey. Addison said you're at the library. think I could swing by and nab your room key?

[info]onewayride in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Addison & Harris
What: Harris is fucking sick of Addison beating around the bush, and he's ready to make him talk. Especially after his most recent comments regarding his boyfriend.
Where: Reid Hall; Addison & Riley's room
When: Sunday, September 30th, 2012, after this and this
Rating: NSFW? Maybe?
Warnings: trigger warning for domestic abuse, self-harm, and suicide. And for Harris' mouth :P

Addison was a good kid, and he didn't deserve any of the shit that life seemed content to keep throwing at him. )

[info]benjamin_isaiah in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Ron & Benji
What: Comfort following this
Where: Johnson Hall; Ron & Benji's room
When: Sunday, September 30th, 2012, a few minutes after this
Rating: SFW
Warnings: SADNESS. HEARTBREAKING, SOUL-CRUSHING, MAKES-YOU-ACHE-ALL-OVER SADNESS. and we haven't even started writing yet.

Benji had seen Ron bothered plenty of times, but he could count the number of times that he'd seen the other brunet upset on one hand. )

[info]anderrr in [info]dalton_rpg

Who: Evan Olson & Ron Martin
What: Things finally reach breaking point.
Where: Johnson 301
When: Late afternoon, September 30th
Rating: SFW-ish

It was inevitable that events from the previous night would filter through, however, and the realisation wasn't pretty )

January 2013



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