Crack It Up

(no subject) @ 09:15 am


Who: Madam Rosmerta and Severus Snape
What: More Potions discussion
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: Tuesday, 13th January (forward dated to this afternoon)
Rating/Status: Low/Complete

The Three Broomsticks looked utterly deserted when Severus stepped inside. )

(no subject) @ 10:16 am


Who: Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape
What: 1st Occlumency lesson
Where: Draco's cottage, Hogsmeade
When: Tuesday, 13th January, evening
Rating/Status: Low/Complete

He really hadn't expected to ever set foot inside this castle again. )

(no subject) @ 11:57 am


WHO: Lucissa
WHAT: Lucius is stalking Narcissa
WHEN: Second day of classes, Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Hogwarts

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(no subject) @ 12:53 pm


WHO: Hermione Granger and Gregory Goyle
WHAT: Hermione brings Goyle a gift
WHEN: Tuesday during dinner, before she goes to meet Theodore
WHERE: The Great Hall

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(no subject) @ 03:14 pm

(no subject) @ 04:27 pm


WHO: Theo and Kit
WHAT: Theo will probably make a fool of himself.
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Hogwarts

Suave and Sexy )

(no subject) @ 05:06 pm


WHO: Sirius Black and Bill Weasley
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place
WHEN: Backdated to January 7, 1996
WHAT: Pizza, beer, and venting
RATING: Mid-level for language and various dirty jokes.
STATUS: Complete

C'mon in. I've my tea set in the parlour. )

Crack It Up